
Good food releases serotonin in the body, which directly reflects the mind state. People with decreased serotonin metabolites, such as 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid are more likely to commit suicide. We need more serotonin already as the world is planning against us. A pandemic, strict. You were preparing for western winds and out of now here, there are eastern winds.
Contactless Dining Solution
Cell phones currently have an inherent QR code scanner making this online menu requesting arrangement an ideal online food requesting framework. Our administration framework has an easy-to-use interface which permits you to make a QR code picture that can be effortlessly perused by any QR code peruser giving you a perfect contactless dining solution. The reports show that 81% of the population owns a smartphone, showcasing the vast growth of the digital world. Technology has been at our fingertips and it’s time we use it for good.