Powerful Solution for Delayed Marriage- Know Best Remedies +91-9914522258
Powerful Solution for Delayed Marriage- Know Best Remedies +91-9914522258
Baba Nazakat Khan, the Love guru in India says that love astrology allows us to recognize the accuracy of any person nature. The word Astrology is derived from two Greek words, "Astra" meaning Stars & "Logos" meaning Logic or Study of. A practitioner of astrology is called an Astrologer, or an Astrologist, in Russia they are called Cosmo Biologists & in India as Jyotishi.

Powerful Solution for Delayed Marriage- Know Best Remedies +91-9914522258

Baba Nazakat Khan, the Love guru in India know that astrology is defiantly not "a product of human imagination", it has been experimental, researched & experienced through the ages by many different people from different civilizations throughout the world. So it isn't an Art. Love guru in India don't want to call love Astrology as a Science, because of their inability to keep an open mind to study & test the knowledge, they just test a part of Astrology (namely Sun Sign), & then claim that Astrology isn't a Science. After all love Astrology is more Knowledge than Science & it doesn't need the label of Science to survive, it has survived without it all these millenniums & will do in the future too. Therefore Astrology is neither an Art nor a Science.

Powerful Solution for Delayed Marriage- Know Best Remedies +91-9914522258

Powerful Solution for Delayed Marriage- Know Best Remedies +91-9914522258