
So you’re getting back into the gym after a hiatus or taking your fitness journey in a new direction, and you’re feeling unsure about a particular workout or movement. Here’s a secret: Everyone at gyms in Fairfield has felt this way at some point. Instead of letting uncertainty inhibit your progress, use these five tips to push past it and continue your forward movement.
Be Prepared to Be Uncomfortable
This isn’t just solid Vacaville fitness advice; it’s a beneficial way to live your life. We consistently encounter new situations that could become obstacles if we let them. The trick is to not take yourself too seriously, and be willing to get it wrong until you get it right. Take a deep breath and know that while you may feel uncomfortable at first, that feeling will lessen with each repetition, and fluidity will come over time.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
When you’re part of a friendly, empowering fitness community, you know help and exercise advice is never too far away. As mentioned above, everyone has had to tackle an unfamiliar workout at some point, and you can bet your peers understand the value of experienced guidance. Give a friendly wave, introduce yourself, and see what you can learn. You might be surprised by how much knowledge they have to share!
Take It Slow and Steady
When you’re anxious about something, there’s a tendency to rush through it so you can shake off that feeling. This common reaction can hurt your progress and overall experience with working out. Rushing will hinder your ability to learn any new workout, which can lead to incorrect form and even injuries in some cases. Focus on getting each step or movement correct before progressing. Learning a new routine properly at one of the best gyms in Modesto can be challenging, but it’s much more difficult to unlearn bad habits once you’ve developed them.
Don’t Quit After the First Try
Many workouts might feel difficult or strange until they don’t; the only way to get there is to keep going. If the first rep on a new machine or your first attempt at a new yoga position makes you uncomfortable, don’t view it as a reason to give up. Look at the positive: You’re trying new things, and over time you’ll become a pro at this new exercise, movement, or workout.
Stay Patient and Trust the Process
Remember to manage your expectations when getting acquainted with an unfamiliar exercise or workout. Odds are you won’t feel as successful as you may with your regular routines, and that’s okay. Don’t use this as an excuse to talk yourself out of it and return to your comfort zone. Instead, embrace the fact that you aren’t going to become an expert on day one. If you’re working with an instructor, trust their advice and know that they have your well-being in mind.
About In-Shape Health Clubs
Fitness isn’t a destination, it’s a journey, and the welcoming community at In-Shape Health Clubs is here to help you take your next step. You could be looking for a friendly place to continue pursuing your fitness goals, or you might be seeking support and motivation. In-Shape Health Clubs offers studio classes, amenities, and camaraderie that will make you feel right at home. You can hit the pool for some cardio, focus on weight training, or take some time out of the day for mindfulness. No matter what you’re after when you visit gyms in Stockton, Bakersfield, and Napa, In-Shape has locations across California to help you focus on your overall well-being.
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