
Society is perpetually preoccupied with evaluating the stereotypical qualities, roles and aspirations of men and women, and where there's a preoccupation, there's likely to be new language. It's therefore no surprise then that during the course of BuzzWord we've looked at a range of words which reflect this theme, from the metrosexual (the man in touch with his feminine side), or the security mom (a US mum preoccupied with terrorist threats), through to the denture venturer (an older person who gives up work in order to travel), or the quirkyalone (a person who prefers to stay single until the right partner comes along).
And yet another addition to this group of expressions is the term omega male, a chap identified by his lack of enthusiasm for the conventional idea that men always aspire to being the most dominant influence in the home or workplace.
The omega male is a man who, defying all male stereotypes, doesn't have the desire to be the most outstanding performer or to take the lead in a particular situation. Typical omega male traits include an intense interest in a particular hobby, which consequently draws his time and energies away from the conventionally 'important' things in life, like work or romantic relationships. The omega male is a fun-loving but non-aspirational individual who is reluctant to 'grow up' by embracing classic social imperatives like marriage, family and holding down a regular job.