
The 4C mannequin head is one of the most controversial dolls on the market, sparking a lot of debate about how to care for and look. Because of its complex structure and the number of threats it faces, it is not always easy to understand how the 4C header model behaves. We've compiled a list of the most common questions that mannequin users ask about this type of hair doll, along with detailed answers to help improve your 4C hair practice experience.
1. What products do I need to buy for 4C baby head maintenance?
When you buy the most perverted mannequin on the market, be prepared to spend a little more on repair products. Although the 4C mannequin is beautiful and unique in shape, it also has many weaknesses, such as easy to break, tangle, dry and so on. If you fail to address and prevent these threats, your mannequin will last only a few weeks at most. So, to extend the life of your 4C mannequin head, you'll need the following essentials: conditioner, natural moisturizer, and a sulfate free shampoo.
By conditioning curly hair regularly, you can make it smooth, elastic, shiny, and more manageable in your hair design exercises. Protect hair element still added a little moisture that 4C hair needs very much. The rest of your water needs will be made up with a moisturizer, which must be based on coconut oil, olive oil or shea butter. When it comes to wacky baby hair, it's best to wash your hair sparingly and use a sulfate free shampoo, as the concentration of the chemicals is lower and therefore safer.
2. Should I comb or brush?
Brushing your head is strongly discouraged, as the brush will increase friction, which will increase even more when dealing with tangles. The comb provides much less friction and is easier to slip through the kink. So, whether you want to prevent knots or tangles, be sure to use a comb. Remember that friction increases during tangling, so to comb, use a wide-toothed comb and conditioner to improve sliding. Comb from the ends, then gently move to the roots.
3. What hairstyles can 4C models try?
When dealing with 4C hair, you don't want to overmanipulate it because of its fragility. Instead of forcing it to drastically change style, like flatten out, you're better off making it feel comfortable in practice classes. Disturbing it will cause faster wear and tear. Some hairstyles you can practice on 4C dummies include braids, twists, and buns. These are easy to make and don't break the curl pattern of the hair due to the elasticity of the strands. This means that after you place them in a bun or weave them, the kink will stay in place.
4. Can I use heat setting?
4C mannequin head can be hot, but must be careful and moderate. When using a hair dryer, be sure not to use the highest amount of heat, as it can easily damage the delicate kink. Better to set the temperature lower and spend more time drying. This will take up some time of your life, but it will add some time to the life of the mannequin. When using hair curlers, be sure to apply hair care products first to avoid breakage and scald.
5. Can I dye the head of a tight model?
When dyeing for tight curly hair, the first thing to understand is that dyeing involves the use of chemicals, which is not the best friend of 4C strands. So, dyeing is allowed, but not often. In addition, it is recommended that you dye no more than 3 shades. Not only that, but it can ruin weird patterns. In addition, in view of the complex structure of curly hair, you had better ask modelling division to help.
Final Thoughts
It's not difficult to make a 4C mannequin head last a lot of time. You only need to follow a set of rules of use and maintenance to extend its service life. They include: regular use of appropriate hair products such as conditioner and moisturizer, using a comb instead of a brush, moderate coloring, and avoiding overhandling and excessive use of heat setting.