
Competing with others is not a great thing for your own style, Never compete with other women, you have your own style and try to exhibit your own unique style. It is not great for your style to follow others, work hard to get an athletic body. Women have a smart body shape, normally every piece of clothing looks great on them. Bulk womens clothing comes in the natural physique of women, which is the smarter body.
Women do have competition in their nature, they can’t remain without it, as it is their intuition. If you think somebody is great, admire it, and adopt her style, create your own unique style. Which is best for you.
In this article, we are discussing how competition can be dangerous for your own style:
Why do women feel competition:
Women by nature feel insecure, so they are impressed by others’ habits and styles. When a model or an actress walks through the street, every woman would see them in a desire, how they can make themselves like her. Don't think for a moment! Models and actresses are professional, it is their work to appear smart and beautiful. How you can be like them if you are by profession a Doctor or An Engineer.
You can’t maintain yourself the same way as models and actresses do, following them is not bad in this context, if you want to become smarter like them. In this case, it is better for you. Most of the time, women don’t think of themselves the same way, they think models are prettier than them. When you think this way, you are actually destroying your own personality. Don’t destroy your own style by competing with others!
Maintain your own style:
Maintain your own unique style and personality, try to boost your own image in society, don’t worry too much about your body shape. If you are a little plus size, it’s OK! It is due to your job, as you have to sit in the office for a longer time. Go for a little longer and looser dress and use the high quality of fabric. It is better to go monochromatic in your style. Black is great for your approach, it makes you a little slimmer and smarter.
Choose a lifestyle, which is better to make you a little smarter. Avoid eating fried food and fast foods from now on, and calculate your daily requirement of calories. Burn excessive calories, and shed a pound or two every month. For shedding a pound of fat, you need to burn an extra 5000 calories, if you want to lose a pound in 5 days, you have to burn an extra 1000 calories every day. If you follow this routine for a month or two, you can feel a difference in your weight.
Your body shape goes from an Apple shape to towards a little Time-Glass shape. The Time-Glass shape of women is a little controlled plus size figure. Women having Time-Glass shape, are attracted by most people due to body figures.
Never compete with others, maintain your own style, Think you are the prettiest woman around. It would be great for your confidence. Try to boost your own style and perception. If you are a little plus size, work out to reduce your weight a little towards the controlled weight of plus-size women.