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Report Trafficking
HarlotHub is wholly committed to raising awareness on theissue of human trafficking and engages in best practices and advocacy. In theevent we become aware of any incident of trafficking, we cooperateenthusiastically with law enforcement and agencies involved in combating theabuse of human rights.
Please report any suspected sexual exploitation of minorsand/or human trafficking to the appropriate authorities.
United States:
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
CyberTipline - report child exploitation
24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
Polaris Project - Report Human Trafficking: 888-373-7888
Dept. of Health & Human Services: 888-373-7888
Children of the Night: 800-551-1300
ACE National: 202-220-3019
Homeland Security Investigations Tip Line: 866-DHS-2-ICE
Dept. of Justice: 888-428-7581
FBI Office:
Does an entertainer arrive accompanied by anotherindividual?
Does that individual speak for or appear to maintain controlover the entertainer?
Does the entertainer seem fearful of that individual?
Does the entertainer have difficulty communicating, whetherresulting from a language barrier or fear of interaction?
While one of these signs, on its own, may not present atrafficking concern, multiple signs indicate a potential red flag. Use commonsense, and contact the appropriate authorities if you suspect that someone isbeing trafficked.
Disclaimer is an interactive computer service thatenables access by multiple users and should not be treated as the publisher orspeaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
We're Always Happy to Hear From You. let us know what we cando for you! Bedpage customer support is available free of charge. 10am to 7pm (GMT +5.30 ) Support Means We're Always Available To Help !!!
Our live representatives are available 10am to 7pm ( GMT+5.30 ) to assist you with any and all questions you may have.