
These test series are based on the most recent exam pattern, as well as the most recent exam syllabus. So best of luck to all that will be taking the UP Lekhpal examination.
Finally, The Examination Dates Of UP Lekhpal are Announced!
Candidates are still unsure whether the UP Lekhpal test will actually take place in June or not, as the UPSSSC (Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission) has repeatedly postponed the examination. As a result, student's morale suffers. One should not abandon one’s preparation and work diligently in the direction of one's final aim. To ace your preparation, don't get down on yourself and focus on your strengths.
I'm going to share several methods with you in this post that you should use during your preparation. Here are some tips to help you study for the UP Lekhpal exam.
Make a Study Schedule
Read good books
Read the newspaper
The key to success is revision
Mock Tests for Prelims
Previous Year Question Papers
Keep track of time
Allow yourself short breaks