
Did you know that 86 percent of marketers are using videos to promote goods and services? According to a marketing survey conducted in 2020, more than 244 million Americans consumed digital videos. Short-form digital videos have taken over every social media platform and are the driving force among people under 40. To get on this trend, anyone in the marketing industry should be making videos.
There might still be a misconception that video content is expensive to make. This isn’t the case when it comes to self-made content in the 21st century. Many people who have made successful online presences have done it with little more than a ring light and a cell phone camera. The fact is you don’t even need those things anymore. Now you can make video content with an AI video generator.
AI video generators are platforms that use existing content to make all-new content using artificial intelligence. All you need is the data to input into the platform and the AI does the rest. Generally, people will bring their own text to enter into the system but, a lot of time you don’t even need that. A top-quality AI video editor and generator will be able to generate a video with little more than an idea and a few keywords. Depending on your experience in producing content and working on AI-driven platforms, it can be as simple as a few clicks.
Here are the three top reasons you need to use an AI video generator for your marketing:
(1). It’s inexpensive. This is still a relatively new field, and many new AI video startups are vying for your business. Most of them will help you make videos for a fraction of what it used to cost. You don’t even have to hire a spokesperson; these platforms have dozens of avatars that are based on real people to deliver your message. You don’t have to rent out a studio to film the content, you don’t even have to hire writers if you don’t want to. You save money on all these factors by embracing AI-driven content.
(2). Get more eyes on your business. The fact of the matter is, print and audio ads just don’t have the same engagement as visual ones do. Even a still picture is likely to increase engagement. A short, concise video will have more people looking at your company in less time than text ever could. Working with a great AI video editor could raise awareness of your brand in just a short time.
(3). Make older content new again. Marketing existed before the internet and social media. What if you have great marketing material in print that has always worked for your company? You can recycle that material into a video using what is called text-to-video. Text-to-video is one of the things that makes an AI video generator so useful. Your text content can seamlessly be made into a modern, attention-grabbing video that can make your content pop in a whole new way.