The Most Frequently Challenged And Banned Books in The US | Acemyhomework Writers
Despite First Amendment and Censorship statement about “freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble”, books in the United States still get banned or challenged because of reasons that range from religious and moral to racial issues and inappropriate content allegations. No, these are not only books promoting hatred or examples of what should be forbidden, but world classics included in the school curriculum.
Implementing American Library Association policies, Office for Intellectual Freedom faces endless requests from diverse organizations and individuals, claiming that books should be taken off the shelves.
As a result, it becomes a serious issue as the freedom to read is challenged with different opinions or analysis that are not always within common sense. Whether the voices that highlight disturbing issues should be silenced remains an ongoing debate, yet the inclusion of classics raises controversy and socio-cultural conflicts in American society.
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