
Abacus is a calculation tool that enables a child to solve math problems mentally, boosts self-confidence, and increases cognitive processing. Learning Abacus benefits a child in a thousand different ways. Application of Abacus maths in our day-to-day lives saves us from opening the calculator on the phone for every little calculation and embarrassing ourselves.
Originating in China, Abacus is now known and used worldwide. It is one of the most primitive calculating devices and is still used to enhance mathematical skills among children and adolescents. Abacus acts like a brain gym for students of all ages. If Abacus is learned at an early age, it gets brain juices flowing faster, thus, leading to faster cognitive performance from a very young age.
Abacus maths improve arithmetic skills and number fluency. Learning Abacus is like developing a skill and any skill gets better with practice. Here is a list of reasons depicting why one must learn to use the Abacus:
- Abacus programs make the computation faster and amplify concentration.
- Abacus reduces the fear of math and builds confidence against it.
- It enhances problem-solving abilities
- Abacus learning also helps with logical reasoning and strengthens mental skills like visualization and memory.
- Abacus learning also allows creativity to well forth.
Now that you are attracted to the idea you must be wondering how to learn Abacus. Well, some great institutions also offer a comprehensive course on learning aAbacus, online for student’s convenience.
With the rapid spread of the coronavirus like the wildfire, online courses have become the new normal. This approach allows children to develop this skill from the comfort of their homes thus, preventing them from catching the disease. Not only that, but it also allows the parents to track the classes and witness the transformation.
The following points will walk you through the process of online Abacus training offered by a good institution. The steps are as follows:
- Initially, kids are acquainted with the Abacus as a physical tool.
- The aAbacus has two sections. The upper deck is also called the heavenly deck and the lower or earthly deck.
- Each set comprises several vertical rods. Each consists of a set number of beads.
- The vertical rods of the upper deck have two beads each while in the lower deck there are five beads each.
- The value of the upper deck beads is five, and the value of the lower ones is one.
- These two parts, mentioned above, are divided by a reference bar.
- Each bead that touches the reference bar is counted.
The above points form the basics of understanding how to learn Abacus. However, the use of the Abacus requires precision. As the course gradually proceeds, kids are taught finger techniques that enable them to understand the use of the beads properly.
Unlike the physical abacus, in a virtual Abacus kids use the mouse to move the beads. This technique stimulates visualization and eventually the child creates a mental image of the Abacus. The various finger techniques taught in the initial stages of the Abacus program aids the kids in the use of this virtual Abacus. Kids become adept at mentally solving mathematical problems.
So, what are you waiting for? Go book your free trial class to get a peek into the amazing world of math, made easy with an aAbacus.