Are you a student and graduated recently? Here's how to get graduate job straight after university without struggling much!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 3

2. How to get graduate job straight after university 3

2.1 Appear professional on social media 3

2.2 Upload your CV to job sites 3

2.3 use graduate recruitment agency 3

2.4 Tailor every application for the role 4

2.5 Ask connections about job opportunities 4

2.6 Make yourself more employable 4

3. Conclusion 4

Reference 5



  1. Introduction

 After the graduation, it is difficult for the individuals to get the job just after their graduation.  If any individual is searching for the job just after their graduation then they would follow different steps and then so that they can approach their application.   Following are the 11 tips and steps by with individual can easily find the perfect graduate job just after their university. 

  1. How to get graduate job straight after university

2.1 Appear professional on social media

  The first tip the individual should follow just after their graduation is it searching or job by making sure that they have the professional presence online.  It is not important for the individual to post their picture of yourself wearing the work clothes all the time but they should show their profile solely about their work. It is attention for the individuals to present themselves as the employable, trustworthy and respectful individual on social media so that they can convince the recruiters to hire them for the designated vacancies (Laalo, 2019). The individuals can find their job according to their profession on getting the post through Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media platforms. 

2.2 Upload your CV to job sites

The different sides of job are not only used by the individuals for the purpose of job.  The recruiters and employers often search the individuals for their required vacancy for the potential candidate. The chance for career development provided by the employer one day come across this theory of the individual on the job site.  If I want to complete graduation during the time of job by hiring experts who can do my exams for me. By the help of this the candidate could be selected according to the job vacancy and the individual can get the beneficial opportunity in relation to this and it is good for them not to miss this (Laalo, 2019).  The individuals can create the profile by updating their CV.  The most famous site for the job searches the LinkedIn by which the individuals can create their profile and the employers could stop them according to their potential requirement.  

2.3 use graduate recruitment agency

 The recruitment of agencies mainly considers the requirement of the job after the individuals have completed their university education.  There are thousands of recruitment agencies all over the country in which the individuals can be specialized according to the graduate jobs (Donald, 2019). These Agencies usually considers defiling of vacancy of the company According to the Commission for filing the vacancy of the company who has applied for the job and recruited them according today skills and expertise.  The employer would consider the pros and cons of the individual and their equities according to their job description and vacancy by using the recruitment agencies. This information has been taken from healthcare dissertation help which shows the concept of these agencies who help the organizations and companies to find their type of candidate according to their job description and designation. 

2.4 Tailor every application for the role

Most of the organizations usually require detailed theory and the cover letter when the individuals has applied for the job.  Most of the individual usually made their CV according to the designation which means that they just they shout the same documents for each job which is not acceptable.  The individuals who are searching the job consider their headache to tailor every application because there are number of applications available for them to recruit which would consume time.  The aim for the quality over quantity when considering the job application for graduate is not easy.

  The employer is considering the good use of their time by applying for hundred job in which they would focus only those who are under their rule for applying it according to the designation. When the employer calls any individual for job interview the individual should apply for any particular designation by reading all the requirements of the particular vacancy.  But ultimately save time of both the employer and the individual who has applied for job.  The individual should not create new CV every time (Donald, 2019). They can use the same CV and update it when they get new experience and add particular information which is needed in their CV. 

2.5 Ask connections about job opportunities

 Any employer who is working for the company then they should recommend it and the other individual has already worked in that company.  If the other party is interested in doing job then he would accept his offer and apply to that particular job with reference of him.  Most of the organizations usually offer the bonus to employees when they put forward the position and call any recruited individual for that particular job.  In this situation the company would pay extra cash to that individual. 

2.6 Make yourself more employable

  When the company are seeking for number of graduates entering in the job market with their top grades it should be important for them to make them feel more employable in comparison with others.  There are different ways by which any individual can make themselves more employable by considering the voluntary work and getting the work experience.  This would ultimately highlight them in relation to their qualification and other skills which is required by company. 

  1. Conclusion

  It is important for the employee or the individual to impress their potential employer by showing their genuine interest and concerns related to that particular designation.  There are different stages of job application by which the employer could conduct interview through different stages.  By conducting these interviews it is easier for the employer to select be required candidate for their required vacancy. It is important for the individual to be confident the graduate job is right for them because this would the tempted for them to consider many different opportunities. The individuals should switch their job so that they would get increase chance of learning which is unrelated to their degree. The individuals who are searching for job after graduate should configure the fund graduate scheme which is good for them to provide better opportunities. In relation to the national or international companies while considering the competitive advantage. This ultimately provide benefit for both the employer and the worker because they usually hire those workers who has hands on experience in working the start up business.




“ How to Make a CV Which Does Not Escape the Recruiter's Eye.” BAW, 4 Feb. 2019, 

Donald, W. E., Ashleigh, M. J., & Baruch, Y. (2018). Students’ perceptions of education and employability: Facilitating career transition from higher education into the labor market. Career development international.

Laalo, H., Kinnari, H., & Silvennoinen, H. (2019). Setting new standards for homo academicus: Entrepreneurial university graduates on the EU agenda. European education51(2), 93-110.