Different JavaScript MVC Frameworks Have Advantages and Disadvantages
Different JavaScript MVC Frameworks Have Advantages and Disadvantages
In this blog you will get information about Different JavaScript MVC Frameworks Have Advantages and Disadvantages

Different JavaScript MVC Frameworks Have Advantages and Disadvantages


JavaScript MVC frameworks enable great productivity while keeping code manageable. Developers use many MVC frameworks to achieve the desired amount of abstraction and functionalities. UI bindings should be supported by a JavaScript MVC framework. It should allow a developer to create views. A good JavaScript MVC framework must promote the use of jQuery. In this essay, I will discuss the JavaScript MVC frameworks and their benefits and drawbacks.




Among all other frameworks, Backbone.js is one of the most popular. Anyone with a development background has undoubtedly heard of it, as well as the number of businesses that have utilized it. At TGC India in South Extension you will get the Best Angularjs training in delhi 


Merit: A massive and amazing community with a lot of enthusiasm. Underscore. JavaScript is another fantastic framework to use.


Detriments: Lacks solid abstractions and gives the impression that something is missing. Because it is lightweight, it generates a lot of boilerplate. This truth gets evident as the application's size grows.




Apple employed SproutCore in their iCloud project. It is one of the biggest since it is a well-thought-out structure.


Benefits include bindings support, a robust community, and a myriad of functionality.


Negatives: Extremely prescriptive. It is difficult to detach from unrequited features. It imposes a native-like paradigm and discourages the use of HTML for layout. At TGC India in South Extension you will also get the best React js Training Delhi.




Sammy.js is a short and straightforward framework. One of its key features is a routing mechanism for swapping out AJAX-enabled portions of an application.


Advantages: Has a low learning curve and is straightforward to integrate with existing server-side applications.


Detriments: Overly simplistic and does not satisfy the criteria for constructing bigger applications.




Inspired by Backbone, this framework is lightweight and adheres to the akin concept.


Advantages: It is lightweight and has extensive documentation.


Detriments: Fundamentally incorrect. Its basic notion is "is asynchronous UIs." As a result, UIs should ideally never block. This functionality is impossible unless the backend supports operational transformation.




This one-of-a-kind framework includes its language, objective-J, and seeks to replicate Cocoa in the browser.


Advantages: A well-planned framework with a strong community and inheritance concept.


Detriments: Cappuccino is an iOS developer, and the thought of developing Objective-J in the browser is unappealing.




Knockout, an MVVM framework, is well-liked by its users. It provides automatic UI refresh while emphasizing declarative UI bindings.


Advantages: Binding Support is provided in the form of excellent documentation and a user-friendly teaching system.


Disadvantages: Unusual binding syntax and a lack of a robust view component structure.


MVC in JavaScript:


JavaScript MVC is a sophisticated Internet application framework that is open source and built on jQuery and OpenAjax.


Benefits include a strong community and a legacy.


Negatives: An unusual inheritance paradigm based on strings. Controllers are too near to views and do not have bindings. Its very name is nonspecific. For your full stack developer course queries also you can go here.


Google Web Toolkit (GWS):


GWT is a true client-side toolkit that includes more than a framework. It converts Java to JavaScript and supports a portion of the standard Java library. Google utilized it internally for Wave.


Benefits: A detailed framework with a large community. It has a strong Java-based component inheritance scheme. It's ideal for large client-side applications.


Detriments: Java is eliminated from the list, with projects like DART being established. Java's abstraction on the client is a little strange.


Google's Demise:


Google Closure is more than just a toolkit or a JavaScript framework. It includes a compiler as well as an optimizer.


Benefits: Google Closure has been used by major Google products. It has a simple component-based UI composition framework.


The lack of UI-binding functionality is a drawback.




Ember.js, formerly SproutCore 2.0, is an attempt to distill the main functionality of SproutCore 2.0 into a more compact modular framework suitable for the web.


Advantages: Exceptionally powerful templating system with composite views and UI bindings.


Negatives: It is quite new and has very little documentation.




This useful framework, built by, has some intriguing design decisions.


Advantages: Very nicely constructed using template scoping and controller design elements. It is equipped with a dependency injection mechanism. It also assists to


Filtering and manipulating data is made easier using a rich UI-binding syntax.


Defects: The codebase is a little bloated, and the views aren't modular.




Batman.js, created by Shopify, is similar to Knockout and Angular. It is built on HTML properties and has a strong UI binding framework. It was written in the idiomatic CoffeeScript style. It is tightly linked with Node.js and provides its own (optional) Node.js server.


Advantages: Provides a clean codebase and takes a straightforward approach to bind, persistence, and routing.


Detriments: Because it is built on Knockout, it suffers from the same drawbacks as Knockout and Angular when it comes to nested components.


Simply said, Ember.js is the only framework that provides everything a developer needs. Despite some performance concerns, it provides an excellent codebase. This framework should be at the top of your list if it has a robust community.