cbse books class 10
It is rightly said that “Changeis the only constant.” In the past few months, the world haschanged drastically, and adapting to these changes is vital for our progress.These are unprecedented times that have called for unprecedented measures. Whenalmost all sectors and fragments of society were hit by the coronavirusoutbreak, the impact on education was also hit. School is being conductedonline and classrooms have shifted to computer screens. So, when the HRDannounced a reduced CBSE syllabus for the 9-12 grade to 30% for the 2020-2021academic session,many heaved a sigh of relief. Reducing the course content wasaimed at relaxing stress on students. The move came after extensiveconsultation, advice, and recommendation by experts. Indeed, having less schoolwork will allow students to concentrate more on their studies.
To ensure that real learning doesn’t stop even in this age ofvirtual classrooms; OswaalBooks has updated all the CBSE Question Banks for classes 9-12. We haveupgraded these books to supplement students’ need for extensive practice and anin-depth understanding of their subjects. Our QuestionBanks have been redesigned keeping in mind the new & reduced syllabus andnew challenges that the students face.
So what can you do, as a student of CBSE class 10, to maximizethe opportunity presented? Oswaal Books has some fantastictips on how to make the most of it.
1. Get curious
Increase your level of curiosity so that you build upon yourstrengths. If you are particularly strong in a specific subject, it gives youmore time to concentrate on it. The advantage is that you will be able toeasily tackle exams because of the extra effort.
We all have a particular area that we are not very strong in.With the reduced syllabus, you can now allocate more time to those subjectsthat are challenging to you. Take advantage of CBSE reference books and CBSEhelp books like CBSE Class 10 Question banks and Sample papers
2. Redefine your goals and objectives
Goals are critical because they give you something to worktowards. You may have set goals and objectives based on the old syllabus. It isnow time to take a step back and redefine precisely what you hope to achievewith the new one. Focus on your strengths while setting realistic goals. Youcould, for example, planto read at least one chapter every day. When you achievethe goals, the sense of satisfaction is worth it.
3. Have a study plan
A study plan will guide your activities and make them moremanageable. It helps reduce stress when you have pre-determined activities. Astudy calendar, to-do lists, and timelines are critical components.
4. Join study groups
While it may not be possible to meet face to face during this timeof the Coronavirus pandemic, you can still form study groups with your friends.Technology has made it possible for us to connect despite the physical distancefrom one other. Take advantage of resources such as Google, Zoom for studygroup sessions. Best of all, the groups do not have to be big; even 2 or 3people are enough for a study session.
Self-testing is crucial if you want to improve your academicperformance. So don’t just passively read your textbook or your class notes.Study smart by quizzing yourself on the key concepts and equations. And as youprepare for a test, do as many practice questions as you can from differentsources. you can practice with previous year papers.
Oswaal Books has all the learning resources you need for theboard exam preparation including that includes CBSE Class 10 Question banks, CBSE Class 10 sample papers. Visitus today and find all the support you need to help you take advantage of thereduced syllabus.
To buy these books, click here
What can be the other ways to make the most of the reducedsyllabus? Share your views in the comment section below.