
Distinct Advantages of Invisalign
Invisalign is emerging as one of the best alternatives to braces. It makes use of advanced technology. It has so far changed many people's lives by bringing smiles to them. It makes use of a set of clear, removable aligners, and it works towards gradual straightening of your teeth for several weeks. Even though it looks similar to a tooth tray, these are specialized products customized according to your mouth by using 3-D computer technology. The result is straight teeth and a new bright smile.
Distinct Advantages of Invisalign
Enhanced Comfort: Since it is specially designed for your mouth, you can experience utmost comfort wearing braces.
Removable - It is yet another benefit of Invisalign treatment in Lorton. You can remove it anytime you want. Therefore, you can easily chew food, brush teeth, and floss without hassles.
Cost: It is affordable compared to other types of dentistry procedures.
Invisible - Anyone will hardly be able to notice the Invisalign aligners within your mouth. You do not have to feel embarrassed wearing those metal braces. Thanks to its transparent characteristics.
Convenient - Upon wearing Invisalign aligners, you need not have to worry about frequent visits to a dentist. You also don't have to worry about the brackets or rubber bands anymore. Only once in six weeks, a visit to the dentist may be required.
Even though braces are still in demand, Invisalign has become the foremost choice for people who want comfort, durability, convenience etc. The Invisalign treatment in Lorton may extend from 6 months to almost a year. The cost depends a lot on several contributory factors, such as the repositioning work that needs to be performed on your teeth and the number of aligners that must be custom-made for you. It also avoids the need for you to visit an orthodontist for adjustment and tighten wires as in the metal braces.
If you are not fond of the metal braces and feel it is pretty irritating, then visit your nearest orthodontist for Invisalign treatment in Lorton.