Zed Run Clone - Launch a next-gen digital horse racing game like Zed Run
Zed Run Clone - Launch a next-gen digital horse racing game like Zed Run
NFTs have been the trendsetter since 2019, and the NFT craze is still "ON." NFT-based games are at their peak, and Zed Run is one of the most famous horse race-based NFT games.

Did you know about Zed Run?


NFTs have been the trendsetter since 2019, and the NFT craze is still "ON." NFT-based games are at their peak, and Zed Run is one of the most famous horse race-based NFT games. 


The game was first created by an Australian-based industry named VH Studio. Zed Run allows users to buy, sell, and bid and lets them breed digital racing horses participating in digital horse racing. 


Zed Run generally consists of 4 main bloodlines - Nakamoto, Finney, Szabo, and Buterin. Each horse has a lineage genesis, coat color, and genotype that makes them distinct. 


Users can place their bids on the horses which they want to race in the stimulated race. Many business entities have expressed concern about developing an NFT game like Zed Run to earn huge revenue. 


Zed Run Clone 


Zed Run clone is a blockchain-based NFT game replicating the same features and functionalities as the original NFGT game - Zed Run. Zed Run clone is developed by implementing the Zed Run clone script. 


The Zed Run clone script is a 100% custom-made script with bug-free source code that can be used to develop and launch a blockchain-based NFT digital horse racing game similar to Zed Run.


 The clone platform can be completely customized as per your business requirements. If you plan to develop a Zed Run Clone, connect with a leading Zed run Clone development company in the market. 


Benefits of going with Zed Run Clone Script 


  • Quick brand identity 

  • 100% customizable 

  • A quick launch is possible

  • Less technical support is needed

  • Instant market reach 


Business benefits of launching a Zed Run like NFT horse racing game 


  • Less capital investment 

  • Provides huge revenue on investment 

  • Considered the most chosen idea

  • Faster user gaining 


On an endnote 


A leading NFT game platform development company has a team of developers who offer the best Zed clone script that matches your business needs and budget. 


But finding the right Zed Run clone script provider is not easy, and one needs to research a lot to locate the right one.