Uber for Tow truck services
Uber for Tow truck services
Are you looking for an uber for tow truck app? Then, you can use our Uber-like tow truck application to embrace your business instantly



Uber for Tow Truck is one best readymade software. We have developed a script known as a RebuTow truck. It allows the entrepreneurs willing to start their business in tow truck-related services. Our RebuTow Truck is available for different stakeholders, Such as the customer panel, Admin panel, and apps in android and iOS platforms. There are many features available in this app they are.


Features in Uber for a tow truck:


  1. Allow/Decline request booking

  2. Referrals 

  3. In-app notifications

  4. Quick login

  5. Payment details

  6. Wallet

  7. Manage availability

  8. Responsive dashboard


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