Hello there!
Are you getting the error of 0XC004F213 in Windows? Then no problem here is the article to solve your problem easily.
The error says “Windows reported that no product key was found on your device. Error code: 0XC004F213.” This can occur even if you are using an authentic product key or when using a preinstalled OS. This error could arise if the preinstalled key is missing, if you changed the motherboard off-late, or if there are different product keys. However, we have a few workarounds for you that may help you fix the issue. Let’s see how.
Here are some solution for solving your problem easily:
- Navigate to Settings.
- Then select Update & Security.
- Click on Activation.
- Select Change product key.
- Enter the key you used before and check if re-validating it fixes the issue.
If none of these steps help you to solve your problem easily then you can read our blog SOLVE THE WINDOWS ACTIVATION ERROR 0XC004F213 or take the help of our support expert team to solve your problem easily.
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