
Bigpond email to windows Mail 10
Are user aware that Bigpond mail can be set to Windows Mail 10. It may sound how can it be possible connecting one email to the other, but now the mail service does allow various web mail to connect with one other. By the following way user will not have to open multiple device to operate their webmail. The following features is especially launched to make user experience easier and acquire less space inthe system. The steps are easy and simple to follow, kindly go through the points given below.
· Load or open Microsoft Mail.
· Then look around and search for Info tab where user will have to click on Account settings.
· Then click on new for setting a new email setting.
· Then head for the Manual setup/ additional server types.
· After clicking at next, click on IMAP and update the server information.
· Finally, providing with Bigpond mail email and password the setup will be completed.
Incase user have any difficulty or problem regarding the steps than kindly connect to the Bigpond Customer Service Number.