
Most Brands Fail by Stopping Just Short of a Brand Purpose
Of course, profits are key to running a business, but that’s not its purpose. The brand purpose is the reason your brand exists, which is more than just money. You created your business to improve the lives of your customers by solving their problems, and that’s where you can create an emotional connection.
What Is a Brand Purpose?
Brands used to be in the power position. They spoke to customers and dictated the terms of the relationship, regardless of what the consumer thought. The philosophy was that if a customer didn’t like the brand, they could move on.
As more brands develop their online presence, consumers are given an outlet to share opinions, express displeasure, and in numbers, force a brand to change.
Now, when a customer voices an opinion, brands listen up.
The Value of Brand Purpose for Customers
Humans are driven by meaning and purpose. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, everyone has the need for love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization, which is the desire to achieve your true purpose.