How to Relaunch Your Brand in Social Media
How to Relaunch Your Brand in Social Media
Brands are often rethinking their actions to make a better experience for their users. They make adjustments continuously to stand out from other brands and connect better with their audience.
So whether you want to target a new market, launch a new product, or show your new brand redesign, we want to help you follow a relaunch brand plan that actually works. Anything, from a simple logo update to a complete makeover, make a huge campaign around it and let everyone be part of it!

Consider theTiming

Avoidcrowded news-times, holidays, or big events where you just won’t get muchattention from your followers. Also, do your research so that you can targetyour perfect audience and what you know can be your new potential customerstoo. This involves new customer research, getting to know them again. Avoidthinking you already have a clear idea of who is your customer, there is alwaystime to learn something new.

Pick Your Social Media Branding Strategy Goals

Pickyour specific goals depending on what it is that you are relaunching. Are youexpecting new followers? New customers? A raise in your sales? Write these downand think of an estimate you will like to reach after or during this relaunch.

Whenyou are almost through with your relaunch you will make time to revisit thesegoals and see if you can call your campaign successful, and learn which wereyour best strategies.

Map a ContentCalendar

It’svery important that you map out your content to be released during thisrelaunch and that you can make a detailed timeline with it. This is golden foryour strategy, do not skip this step. Think of everything you should considerand in what order and time you are planning to release it:

●    Product Images

Makebeautiful images to show your product’s best features! Show your new brand proudlyon your products and services and share them with your followers using flawlessvisuals.

●    ProductDescriptions

GeneralSEO knowledge can be very beneficial here. You should have an idea of whichterms you will be targeting with you relaunch and use these exact terms on yourdescriptions, image caption, titles, and more to rank higher on search engines.

●    Social MediaCaptions and Hashtags

Thinkcaptions designed for every social media and consider their rules like thelength. Create a hashtag and make it catchy. They are also super useful totrack your brand’s launch success. See user-generated content, involve yourfollowers, keep a close eye on your mentions and comments, and stay responsiveon your social media.

●    Email Campaign

An email campaign can be the first best approachto tell you, current followers or customers, what is about to happen. Offerspecial discounts, explain why you are .

makingsuch a transformation. Build a campaign around your relaunch but avoid beingspammy too. We don’t want your followers to stop reading you.

●    Ads & Callto Actions

Designappealing ads and video ads to plan for a paid campaign to help yourrelaunch. It’s always good sense to use both organic and paid content becausethey both can have a different reach.

●     Blog Posts

Ifyou learned something important, share your knowledge during this process. Giveyour followers relatable content, they love reading that. Make a connectionwith them.

●     Design Shareable Infographics

Makecute, useful designs your followers will find helpful and share on their ownfeeds.

Soagain, you need a detailed timeline stating when all of these will go live.Whatever you do is brand exposure so do it well!