The global collaborative robots (cobots) market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of 34.4%- <Roots Analysis>
The global collaborative robots (cobots) market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of 34.4%- <Roots Analysis>
Roots Analysis has done a detailed study on Global Collaborative Robots (Cobots) Market, 2020-2030.”
, covering key aspects of the industry’s evolution and identifying potential future growth opportunities.

To order this 245+page report, which features 80+ figures and 100+ tables, please visit this -


Key Market Insights

§  Several players arecurrently engaged in the development and / or manufacturing of different typesof cobots for a wide variety of operations, including both simple and precisiontasks

§  Over 230 cobots,having variable payload capacities and degrees of freedom, have already beendeployed, or are being actively adopted across various industries, includingthe life sciences and pharmaceutical industry

§  In order to achieve acompetitive edge, several manufacturers are presently focusing on theintegration of advanced technical features into their cobots portfolio forperforming a variety of industrial task(s)

§  Companies involved inthe development of industrial cobots are evenly distributed across the globe;it is worth noting that a number of start-ups claim to be working on cobotswith advanced safety and hand guiding features

§  Stakeholders havealready established strong brand positions; in fact, players are steadilyexpanding their respective portfolios, in order to maintain a competitive edgein this upcoming industry

§  Future growth of themarket is likely to be driven by the need of automation in various industries;the opportunity is expected to be distributed across industrial operations,end-users, payload capacities and regions


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Contact Details

Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415