
Roots Analysis has announced theaddition of the “Antibody ContractManufacturing Market, 2020-2030” report to its listof offerings.
Althoughbiopharmaceuticals offer significant profit margins and have been proven to beeffective in treating a myriad of diseases, they are generally associated withhigh costs of development and complex manufacturing protocols; this is true forantibody-based products as well. Presently, there are a number of companiesthat claim to offer end-to-end solutions, ranging from antibody development tocommercial production. Further, prevalent trends suggest that sponsor companiesare likely to continue relying on contract service providers for variousaspects of antibody-based product development and manufacturing.
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KeyMarket Insights
Over100 CMOs presently claim to offer manufacturing services for antibodies
Theantibody contract manufacturing market is currently dominated by the presenceof small and mid-sized companies, which represent 70% of the industrystakeholders. It is also worth highlighting that more than 55% of CMOs claim tohave the capabilities to manufacture antibodies across all scales of operation(preclinical, clinical and commercial).
More than 90% service providers are focused on theproduction of monoclonal antibodies
However,players based in Asia are now increasingly focusing on the development of bispecificantibodies for therapeutic use. It worth highlighting that close to 20% of theCMOs engaged in this domain claim to offer manufacturing services for bothbispecific antibodies and antibody fragments.
Europe has emerged as a key manufacturing hub for antibody-basedproducts
Morethan 120 manufacturing facilities have been established by various players,worldwide; of these, 40% are in Europe. Additionally, 40% of the totalinstalled capacity is in Europe, followed by Asia. Some of the prominentregions in Asia include (in decreasing order of number of manufacturingfacilities) China, South Korea, India, Japan and Taiwan.
Morethan 90 partnership agreements have been inked between 2013 and 2019
Majorityof these agreements were focused on manufacturing of various types of antibodies.Other popular types of collaboration models include process development andmanufacturing agreements (22%), product development and manufacturingagreements (10%) and licensing agreements (7%).
Multipleexpansion initiatives were undertaken by CMOs between 2017 and 2019
Morethan 50% of such initiatives were reported to be focused on the expansion ofmanufacturing facilities, followed by building new facilities (38%). It isworth noting that close to 50% of the total number of expansion initiativeswere undertaken in Europe, of which, 25% were in the UK.
Demandfor therapeutic antibodies is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 10%, during2020-2025
Giventhe fact that there are a number of antibody-based products in the market, the commercialdemand for antibodies is significantly higher than the clinical demand. Acrossthe three major global regions, North America represent over half of theoverall global manufacturing demand for antibodies.
NorthAmerica and Europe are anticipated to capture over 70% of the market share by2030
However,the market in the Asia is anticipated to grow at a relatively faster rate. Further,presently, more than 90% of the antibodies are being developed using mammalianexpression systems, and this trend is unlikely to change significantly in shortto mid-term.
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Key Questions Answered
§ Whoare the leading CMOs engaged in the production of antibody-based therapeutics?
§ Whatkind of partnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders in thisindustry?
§ Whatis the annual clinical and commercial demand for antibody-based products?
§ Whatis the current installed capacity for manufacturing of antibodies?
§ Whatare the various expansion initiatives undertaken by antibody CMOs?
§ How is the currentand future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key marketsegments?
The USD 17 billion (by 2030) financial opportunitywithin the antibody contract manufacturing market has been analyzed across thefollowing segments:
§ Type of Antibodies
§ Monoclonal Antibodies
§ Bispecific Antibodies
§ ADCs
§ Others
§ Company Size
§ Small
§ Mid-sized
§ Large / Very Large
§ Scale of Operation
§ Preclinical / Clinical
§ Commercial
§ Type of expressionsystem used
§ Mammalian
§ Microbial
§ Key geographicalregions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia and RoW
Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whomantibody therapeutics developers are increasingly outsourcing their manufacturingoperations owing to complex nature of the overall process, as well as the highinvestments associated with setting-up in-house expertise. The report includesdetailed transcripts of discussions held with the following experts:
§ Dietmar Katinger (ChiefExecutive Officer, Polymun Scientific)
§ David C Cunningham (Director,Corporate Development, Goodwin Biotechnology)
§ Claire Otjes (MarketingManager, Batavia Biosciences)
Theresearch covers profiles of key players that offer manufacturing services forantibodies, featuring a company overview, information on their respective serviceportfolios, manufacturing facilities and capabilities, and an informed futureoutlook.
§ AGC Biologics
§ Aldevron
§ Boehringer IngelheimBioXcellence
§ Emergent BioSolutions
§ Eurofins CDMO
§ FUJIFILM DiosynthBiotechnologies
§ KBI Biopharma
§ Lonza
§ Nitto Avecia PharmaServices
§ Novasep
§ Pierre Fabre
§ Samsung BioLogics
§ Synthon
§ Thermo FisherScientific
Foradditional details, please visit
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1. Bispecific Antibody Therapeutics Market (4thEdition), 2019-2030
2. Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) - Linker and Conjugation Technologies Market,2019-2030
3. Antibody Drug Conjugates Market (5th Edition), 2019-2030
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