
Special Education Leader Assignment | Assignment Help Services | Acemyhomework Writers
Assignment: Becoming a Special Education Advocate
Becoming a leader in the field of special education entails being an advocate for issues and discrepancies often faced by students and their families, those with and without disabilities. Not only will you have to take on the challenge of defending your position and presenting your case, but you will also have to be innovative in how you deliver your message to a variety of audiences.
For this Assignment, you will synthesize the resources and research collected, and create an opinion editorial (op-ed) piece addressing the identified issue.
Purpose: To synthesize collected research and practice scholarly writing.
To prepare:
· Review all module Learning Resources.
· Review resources on TED Lines, the CEC TED Division Newsletter.
· Think about what you might include in an op-ed piece on a specific issue for the state of South Carolina CEC TED Division Newsletter.
a draft of your op-ed
2- to 3-page opinion editorial incorporating feedback from your colleagues. Include the following in your op-ed:
· Introduction, clearly identifying the issue and presenting your position for transformation
· Research to support your position and evidence for the need for transformation of the identified issue
· Conclusion, a summary of the facts and findings
· At least 5 scholarly sources cited in APA format on a reference page