Race Track Equipment Required For Track Events
Race Track Equipment Required For Track Events
If it is your first time taking part in a track event, you will want to be safe, compliant with track event rules, and fully armed with the necessary race track equipment and gear.

If it is your first time taking part in a trackevent, you will want to be safe, compliant with track event rules, and fullyarmed with the necessary racetrack equipment and gear. Taking your time to prepare beforehand will helpyou achieve the primary goal which is to have fun, learn, go fast and be safe.

To assist you, here is another brief list oftrack event equipment essentials and things to consider taking for a greattrack weekend.

1.      Helmet

Many racing communities have rental lids, and youmay want to use one for your first track event, but the truth is that you donot need to spend your time trapped inside one of those community sweatboxes ifit's not necessary. If you decide to buy your own helmet, ensure that it iscertified. This differs from one community to the next. The universal opinionabout how much to pay is straightforward: only pay for what you can afford.

Although neck protectors are also a smart idea,those with the karting style are not recommended for car use. For neck safety,we recommend using a HANS system, but it can only be used if your car isequipped with appropriate seat belts and chairs. Other head restraint systemsthat can be used with a three-point harness are available on the market.

2.      Tire-Pressure Gauge

Tire pressures will rise as the tires heat up, soit is important to keep a close eye on them. Since the proper pressure dependson your tire and vehicle, you'll need a dependable, precise gauge as part ofyour race track equipment package.

3.      Tool Bag

You should never forget to bring a tool bag thatcontains spare nuts or lugs, wrenches, cutters, screwdrivers, zip ties, and arubber mallet.

4.      Oil and Brake Fluid

Before driving into the circuit, make sure theengine has the proper amount of gasoline. If you need to bleed the brakes,having extra brake fluid ready will come in handy. If you monitor often, youcan switch to a fluid that has a higher boiling point.

5.      Extra Brake Pads

Brakepads, along with fuel and tires, are the most commonly used consumables.You can learn how to adjust pads quickly as you consume them. Don't bother with those that are advertised as being track-ready. In most cases, this meansthey're not very good in any situation.

6.      Jack and Jack Stands

For about $100, you can get a lightweight,portable, and simple-to-use jack. Only make sure you monitor it frequently because it will go bad at any time.

Always use jack standswhen working underneath the vehicle.