Human Microbiome Market: Focus on Therapeutics, Diagnostics and Fecal Microbiota Therapies, 2019-2030- Roots Analysis
Human Microbiome Market: Focus on Therapeutics, Diagnostics and Fecal Microbiota Therapies, 2019-2030- Roots Analysis
Human Microbiome Market: Focus on Therapeutics (including gut-brain axis targeting drugs), Diagnostics and Fecal Microbiota Therapies (FMTs) (3rd Edition), 2019-2030’ report features an extensive study of the current market landscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely adoption of microbiome-based medical products (including therapeutics, diagnostics and FMTs), over the next decade.

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Key Inclusions

§  A detailed assessmentof the current market landscape of microbiome therapeutics, providinginformation on drug / therapy developer(s) (such as year of establishment,location of headquarters and company size), clinical study sponsor(s) orcollaborators, phase of development (clinical, preclinical, and discoverystage) of product candidates, type of molecule (small molecule and biologic),type of therapy (prebiotic, probiotic, and prescription drug), targetindication(s), key therapeutic area(s), molecular / biological target (ifavailable), mechanism of action (if available), route of administration, typeof drug formulation (tablet, capsule, gel, lotion, cream, ointment, nasal sprayand 4+ categories), dosing frequency (reported for clinical candidates only),and information on special drug designations (if any). In addition, the chapterhighlights the various technology platforms that are being actively used forthe development of microbiome therapeutics.


§  Elaborate profiles ofkey players (established after 2005) that are engaged in the development ofmicrobiome therapeutics (which are presently in both preclinical and clinicalstages of development); each profile features a brief overview of the company,its financial information (if available), microbiome-based product portfolio,information on advanced stage (phase II and above) pipeline candidates(featuring a drug overview, current status of development, clinical trialinformation, and clinical trial end-point analysis) and an informed futureoutlook.


§  A discussion on thevarious types of diagnostic tests, specifically highlighting the importance ofnext-generation sequencing within this field of research, along with [A] adetailed review of the current market landscape of microbiome diagnostic tests,including the information on the developer(s) (such as year of establishment,location of headquarters and company size), stage of development(commercialized and under development), type of sample used (blood, feces,saliva and vaginal swab), target indication(s), key therapeutic area(s), resultturnaround time, and purpose of diagnosis, [B] brief profiles of populardiagnostic developers, and [C] an indicative list of screening and profilingtest kits, including information on the developer(s) (such as year ofestablishment, location of headquarters and company size), type of sample used(blood, feces, saliva and vaginal swab), key therapeutic area(s), and resultturnaround time.


§  A review of thehistorical evolution and other relevant aspects of FMT therapies, includingdetails on the process of donor selection, therapy procedure, route ofadministration, important clinical guidelines, regulatory guidelines andinsurance coverage, along with [A] a detailed assessment of the current marketlandscape of FMT therapies, providing information on FMT developer(s) (such asyear of establishment, location of headquarters and company size), status ofdevelopment (commercialized, clinical, and preclinical stage), targetindication(s), key therapeutic area(s), and route of administration, [B] ageographical clinical trial analysis of ongoing / planned / completed studiesof FMTs sponsored by non-industry players, featuring details related tospecific FMT therapies and analysis based on relevant parameters, such as thenumber of registered trials, year of registration, current status, phase ofdevelopment, study design, type of sponsor(s), target indication(s), keytherapeutic area(s), key focus areas, number of patients enrolled and leadingnon-industry player(s), and [C] information on various stool banks (includingyear of establishment and location of headquarters), along with brief profilesof the most prominent stool banks located across the globe. 


§  A detailed businessportfolio analysis based on an attractiveness and competitiveness (AC)framework, highlighting the current market attractiveness and existingcompetition across the most popular disease indication(s) for which microbiometherapeutics are under investigation.


§  An analysis of thevaried microbiome-focused initiatives of big pharma players (out of top 20established pharmaceutical players), featuring a [A] heat map representationthat highlights microbiome therapeutics under development (in partnership withcore microbiome product developers), along with information on funding,partnership activity,  and diversity ofproduct portfolio (in terms of disease indication(s) being treated and focustherapeutic area(s)), and [B] a spider web representation of the individualcompetitiveness of the initiatives of big pharma players based on multiplerelevant parameters.


§  An analysis of thestart-ups / small-sized players (established in the last seven years, with lessthan 50 employees) engaged in the development of microbiome therapeutics anddiagnostics, featuring heat map representation based on parameters, such asnumber of microbiome therapeutics under development, diversity of productportfolio, funding information (including funding amount, number of investorsand evolution of investment activity), partnership activity, disease indication(s)being treated and focus therapeutic area(s), and strength of intellectualproperty portfolio.


§  An assessment of themost commonly targeted therapeutic indications and details of microbiome-baseddrugs that are being developed against them, highlighting key epidemiologicalfacts about specific diseases, available methods of diagnosis, and currentlyavailable treatment options and their side effects.


§  An analysis of theinvestments made, including seed financing, venture capital financing, debt financing,grants, capital raised from IPOs and subsequent offerings, at various stages ofdevelopment in start-ups / small-sized companies (established in last sevenyears, with less than 50 employees) that are focused on developing microbiometherapeutics and diagnostics.


§  An elaboratediscussion on the various steps involved in the development and manufacturingof microbiome therapeutics, along with [A] an indicative list of contractmanufacturers, along with details on year of establishment, location ofheadquarters, company size, scale of operation, facility location andmicrobiome production capacity, [B] an indicative list of companies within-house manufacturing facilities for microbiome therapeutics, along withdetails on year of establishment, location of headquarters, and company size,[C] an indicative list of CROs that currently claim to have the necessarycapabilities to offer various research services (such as screening, sequencing,characterization, analytical), along with details on year of establishment,location of headquarters, company size, and service portfolio details, and [D]an insightful Harvey ball analysis of key considerations that need to be takeninto account by industry stakeholders while selecting a suitable CMO / CROpartner.


§  An assessment of theemerging role of big data, highlighting efforts focused on the development andimplementation of various algorithms / tools to analyze data generated frommicrobiome research along with [A] an insightful google trends analysis to demonstratethe rising interest of stakeholders in using big data tools to supportmicrobiome research over the past decade, [B] a list of companies offering bigdata-related services / tools to support microbiome research, and [C] briefprofiles of some of the popular companies that are engaged in this field ofresearch.


§  An informative casestudy on the various other applications of microbiome products, such asagriculture, animal health, plant health, food products, featuring a list ofnearly 80 products, including probiotic supplements, cosmetics, andover-the-counter (OTC) products that are being used as dietary supplements.


The USD 4 billion (by 2030) financial opportunitywithin the microbiome therapeutics (Tx) market and diagnostics (Dx) markets, hasbeen analyzed across the following segments:

§ Type of Therapy (Tx)

§ Prescription Drug

§ Prebiotics

§ Probiotics


§ Type of Molecule (Tx)

§ Small Molecules

§ Biologics


§ Target Indication(Tx+Dx)

§ Acne Vulgaris

§ Atopic Dermatitis

§ Clostridium difficileInfection

§ Colorectal Cancer

§ Crohn’s Disease

§ Diabetes

§ Irritable BowelSyndrome

§ Lactose Intolerance

§ Lung Cancer

§ Nonalcoholicsteatohepatitis (NASH)

§ Obesity

§ Ulcerative colitis


§ Therapeutic Area (Tx+Dx)

§ Autoimmune Disorders

§ Dental Disorders

§ Digestive andGastrointestinal Disorders

§ DermatologicalDisorders

§ Infectious Disease

§ Metabolic Disorders

§ Oncology

§  Others


§ Key Geographical Regions(Tx+Dx)

§ North America

§ Europe

§ Asia-Pacific and Restof the World


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Key Questions Answered

§  Whoare the leading developers of microbiome therapeutics and diagnostic tests?

§  Whatare the key technology platforms (available / under development) formicrobiome-related therapies and diagnostics?

§ What are the diseaseindications against which microbiome-based therapeutics are being evaluated?

§ Which companies aretargeting gut-brain axis for the development of microbiome therapies?

§  Whoare the leading (industry and non-industry) players involved in the developmentof FMT products?

§ Who are the keycontract research / manufacturing service providers in this domain?

§  Whatis the trend in capital investments in microbiome-related R&D?

§  Whatare the contributions of big pharma players in this domain?

§  Whichare the popular players offering big data-related services / tools to supportmicrobiome research?

§ How is the currentand future market opportunity for microbiome-based therapeutics and diagnosticsis likely to be distributed across key market segments?


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1.    Antibody Drug Conjugates Market (5th Edition), 2019-2030

2.    Gene Therapy Market (3rd Edition), 2019 - 2030

3.    Global T-Cell (CAR-T, TCR, and TIL) Therapy Market (4th Edition), 2019 – 2030

4.    Synthetic Lethality-based Drugs and Targets Market, 2019-2030




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