Broward County, Florida Title Company
Broward County, Florida Title Company
When individuals or businesses purchase a piece of land, they rely on the property agents to perform a thorough review of the legal documents related to the ownership of the property.

When individuals orbusinesses purchase a piece of land, they rely on the property agents toperform a thorough review of the legal documents related to the ownership ofthe property. Title agents look at the deeds to ensure that the property thatis subject to a pending sale does not have any undisclosed creditor claimsand/or connections that may have a bearing on the right to sell the land. Dueto the difficulty of the work duties and the damage to buyers and sellers thatcan occur if the BrowardCounty, Florida title company conducts his or her job in a reckless ornegligent manner, Florida title agents must be certified by the Florida ChiefFinancial Officer's Insurance Agent and Agency Services Division. Becoming atitle agent requires evidence that one has met such educational andexperiential criteria; additionally, the renewal of one's license requires thefulfillment of the continuing education requirements. However, the Division hasthe sole authority to issue, review, refuse, and/or withdraw licenses, and, ifthis occurs, the careers of the affected title agents can be catastrophic. Titlecompanies in BrowardCounty, Florida, can assist Florida title agents whose license is injeopardy to overcome the Division's concerns and obtain their licenses.


ReasonsWhy Florida Title Agent Licenses Are Revoked

At the end of the day,the Division needs to license title agents who are experienced in the law andregulations applicable to their occupations, who show that they can performtheir duties competently and that members of the public can put their faith inthem. Failure to pass the appropriate examination, failure to fulfill thest andards of one's continuing education, and to participate in unlawful and/orunethical behavior are all situations that which lead the Division to choose:

  • Not to grant a Florida title agent license to the applicant;
  • Refusal to extend the license of the title agent;
  • To revoke the license of a registered Broward County title agent prior to its expiry.
If a title agent is not approved or registered, he or she is not qualified to do the work of a title agent without, of course, placing severe penalties on him or her. Prompt resolution of the problems of the Division is important. Law Office of Brian Kowal, P.A. Attempts to answer the Division'squestions about our clients as soon as possible. If this can be achieve din formally, our company will use our connections and expertise to rapidly resolve the Division's issues beyond structured administrative procedures.Where such issues cannot be resolved by lack of engagement in administrative and/or disciplinary hearings, the substantial years of experience of ourcompany provides us with the expertise and experience needed to effectively argue on behalf of our clients before disciplinary boards and committees.