
Project Report PMEGP
Project Report PMEGP
The full form of PMEGP is the project report prime minister employment generation program. This is a credit connected subsidy program to encourage entrepreneurship of educated and semi-educated youth initiated by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is an organization at national level for execution of the plan. The subsidy slabs are 15%, 25% & 35% of total project cost with upper project report limit with 2500,000.
How to apply for a loan
Every applicant must submit the application form online added with a proper project report, Once the DIC (District Industries Centers) office examines the documents, the application further sent to the PMEGP sanctioning committee for further approval. Once approved, the application is sent to the bank to grant a loan. The banks may then take appropriate decisions according to banking guidelines. The process may take up to 90 days.
Project specifications
The project report can be of minimum 20 pages and maximum 25 Pages of PMEGP project report and assure that it should contain everything as per guidelines of the bank.
Your project report interest rate should perfectly craft to match KVIC and Banking guidelines for loans. Then you can use a single project report which will serve both purposes.
Project report should contain all the information about the project. These subsidies projects should comply with the all the financial details.
Therefore, the project report for the purpose of loan for your project. If you are seeking a loan under the subsidy of PMEGP.