
Machinery Loan Project Report
Machinery Loan Project Report
Machinery loan is a kind of business loan, and the machinery loan project report of the machinery loan is also somehow similar to the business loan. The project report consists of many elements. There are the following points that needed to be covered in the project report.
COST OF PROJECT- The total cost of setting up the project should be mentioned. The estimated cost should be based on data collected from a detailed market survey and consultations with various professionals
MEANS OF FINANCE- In this section you need to write the source of your finances. It may include the loan amount and other sources of your finance.
ASSUMPTIONS TO COST AND PROFIT ABILITY STATEMENT- Classified our all the expenses related to your project.
PROJECT COST AND PROFIT ABILITY STATEMENT- State your project report interest rate cost and profit ability statement, you can show all the data in the form of table.
EMPLOYEE BENEFIT EXPENSES- In your business, you will require some employees to run the business. Mention all the expenses that are going to be paid for, the salary of employees and other expenses.
FINANCIAL EXPENSES- Give all the financial details of your business for every fiscal year.
YEAR WISE COST INCURRED ON FIXED ASSETS- Year-wise cost which you have spent upon your assets needs to be mentioned.
RATIO ANALYSIS SCHEDULE- Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Interest Service Coverage Ratio, Debt-Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Net Cash Flow all these points should be covered in the ratio analysis.