
Hydroponics is the method of cultivating plants in water, either a solution of oxygen and mineral nutrient solution or air. This cultivation is accomplished with a support system in the form of media. Hydroponics systems provide a controlled environment for plants to thrive. There are advantages of Hydroponics and disadvantages such as; low water usage, the need for a constant and adequate nutrient source, direct exposure to sunlight, indirect sunlight, and lack of plant density in soil. The scope and natures of Hydroponics are vast. This is where organic gardening is combined with hydroponics techniques. Aquatic plants; fish, aquatic root systems, rocks, tubers, herbs, coir, gravel, coconut fiber, Perlite, and a variety of annuals plants are cultivated commonly in Hydroponics as Healthy Hydroponics Solutions. These are then processed into finished products that can be used commercially.
Hydroponics has great demand, especially in emerging countries. Hydroponics is an effective solution to grow crops at a lower cost and with better yield. Hydroponics is the science of growing plants in containers using water and nutrients under controlled conditions for better crop production. It is widely used for various agricultural, cosmetic, and manufacturing applications. Hydroponics applications are suitable for growing plants and are used for home gardens, small commercial plantations, specialty crops, eco-innovative methods, on-site manufacturing, and wild sustainable agriculture. In short Hydroponics is the art of growing plants in solutions that have the potentials of sustaining life in various forms. The major problem in a hydroponic system is contamination. Contaminates such as particulates of dirt, dust, germs, bacteria, and other biological agents can be lethal to the hydroponic crops. Therefore it is important to use a good quality hydroponics nutrient solution to ensure good growth and yield.
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