
How to write a project management plan?
If you have been given responsibility for the new project, that's great news, but comes with an awful lot of work.
Before you can start project execution, you need a project management plan. I can tell you from experience, writing a project management plan can take a lot of time and often includes weekends.
Every project needs solid planning, save your weekends, I show you how.
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Don't worry, with the right tools, templates and a little help, it's not that difficult to develop a project management plan. A lot of work is already done for you and your weekends are yours again.
Years experience with large projects
Practice-oriented templates at your disposal
Money back guarantee
Weekends you will spend re-inventing the wheel
I have to admit that I struggled with myself whether or not I should spend money on something that you can apparently get for free elsewhere.
In the end I decided to buy and I don’t regret it. The set is very complete and all templates are well geared for each other. Templates are very easy to use and I received uncomplicated support quickly. I ordered a few additional project-specific custom made templates, which I received very quickly and which were just as easy to use.
Possibly I could have found and used free templates, but they would probably be less geared to each other, less or no support and from different sources. The associated additional effort on my part would have cost me a few extra hours of work, so I am more than happy with the price paid.
Absolutely recommendable!
Response from World of Project Management
Dear Steve,
Thank you for your trust, business and of course for your very positive comment. It gives me motivation to improve my templates further, to add more templates and of course I am still available for support at any time.
Best regards,
I haven’t regretted buying your templates a couple of weeks ago.
There are similarly priced packages on the market that contain more documents. However, after taking a closer look, I realized that the other packages often contain many documents twice that only differ in design. After some online research, I found a couple of worldwide projects you managed, so I was sure that, by buying your templates, I would benefit from your many years of experience too.
I am completely happy with my templates and can absolutely recommend them.
Response from World of Project Management
Thank you for your positive feedback. I’m glad that I could help.
These templates allowed me and my team to create high-quality project plans in much less time than ususual. Well worth the small amount of money.
Thanks you very much for the help!
Consider a free version for students please
Response from World of Project Management
I am glad that you are satisfied.
Your template set helped me to manage my project better. Mreover, your templates also help in understanding the common processes in managing projects and have built great confidence that my team and I were on the right way, without losing sleep!”
Response from World of Project Management
Wow, I’m happy that I was able to contribute to the training. Thanks for the feedback.
Click the button below to learn more about the project management template set.
Collect, understand, and agree their requirements. The "what" and the "why" are thus defined and agreed. The requirements must be recorded in writing in the order of their importance and the influence of the stakeholder. Without this clear agreements, specifications, tasks and deadlines that you set for your project plan will have no basis.
After the requirements for the project and the desired results have been recorded, it is time to create a project scope document in which the individual project elements are listed. All elements must be described clearly, completely, and unambiguously. Divide the scope into easy-to-manage packages and further break them down into activities.
Now that the scope of the project has been set, it is time to insert project information into a schedule. A Gantt chart is a practical tool that you can use to easily visualize the project timeline. It is an instrument that gives you a complete overview of the project progress, the scope of work, and the dependencies.
Resources are the people, equipment and material that are required to complete your project. Particular caution and care is required here. Delays in project execution are very often due to the fact that production rates and therefore the number of resources required are not adequately estimated. You also have to consider where you get the resources from, when you need them and, depending on the availability, when you have to order them. Describe this part with all the details in the project procurement plan.
Now that you know exactly what to do, how long it will take and which and how many resources you need, you can now create a cost plan relatively easily. Provide a certain contingency and present it separately.
McKinsey says employees spend almost 20% of their time looking for and collecting information. In addition, inefficient communication and collaboration are two of the main causes of stress at work. If stakeholders and employees have to constantly search through series of emails or constantly ask for updates, they become frustrated and their motivation drops. It is therefore extremely important to collect all data and information in a controlled environment, where they are easily accessible and can be kept up to date. In addition, to maintain a good relationship, it is essential to agree on report content and deadlines and to adhere strictly.
Develop strategies to ensure the quality of both the end product and all individual processes for manufacturing the product. Also describe how you intend to constantly improve the processes.
Go through all the previous points again and evaluate with your team what could go wrong. Think about how likely a risk is and what the impact on the schedule, costs and project product could be. Develop strategies for dealing with each individual risk.
Go back to each of the above and describe how you want to monitor and control each plan.
Now that your plan is complete, let your project sponsor approve it and authorize you to carry out the project.
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Setting up a project management office is a great way to target and troubleshoot problems, weaknesses, and poor performance that affect your business, to organize processes, support the collection and provision of information for planning and decision making, plus improved selection of projects.
Read here what the components of a project management plan are, 10 steps how to write a project management plan and download a professional, comprehensive template set.
The aim of a project feasibility study is to enable a decision as to whether or not a project shall be implemented. The prerequisites for the study are clear project goals, as well as existing limitations concerning the acceptance of project risks, funding, and time, among others.
As a project manager, especially in the construction industry, you often find yourself in situations in which many things are required at the same time and where promises have been made that are now difficult to keep. Read here how you can deal with it.
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