
Custom Printed Tissue Boxes
The process of making custom printed tissue paper can be quite simple, depending on how the printing will be handled in the end. The following instructions are intended to make it easier to print on tissue paper with your inkjet or laser printer, but you may also want to try ordering your custom printed tissue paper online if you want something more professionally done.
Get your design
It's quick and easy to make your own custom printed tissue paper at home. You can use any type of paper or fabric that you like, and have fun designing the pattern or printing it with your own design. The first step is choosing a design to print on the tissue paper--you can do this by hand painting, drawing, or using a computer program.
When you have designed your pattern, cut it out so it is just a few millimeters bigger than the finished size of the tissue paper in each direction (the tissue will shrink as it dries). Next, trace your design onto a piece of fabric and cut it out following the outline; then iron on a strip of fusible webbing all around the edges.

Buy the items required
The first thing you need is the printer. You can find a printer for a reasonable price on Amazon or at your local office supply store. The next step is to get some custom printed tissue paper wholesale. You can also find this at any office supply store. The last thing you need is a design program that you can use on your computer (I recommend Adobe Photoshop). If you don't already have one, it's easy enough to download one from the internet. Once you have everything together, follow these steps:
1) Open up your design program and start designing your product!
2) In order to print onto the tissue paper, you will need something called an inkjet printer which can print high-quality images onto things like glossy photo paper.
3) Next put a sheet of blank tissue paper on top of the image in photo shop and change its layer properties so that it appears over all other layers and click Print.
4) Transfer the printed image onto another sheet of blank tissue paper with the help of an overhead projector by putting one sheet of tissue onto top of another with a gap in between.
5) Put both sheets under an overhead projector and turn off all lights except those coming through the projector.

Print your design on plain white sheets
To print your design on white tissue paper, follow these steps:
1. Open a new document in Adobe Illustrater and import your design.
2. Select the New Document button at the top left corner of the screen.
3. Create a canvas that is larger than you need by selecting Canvas Size.
4. Once you have completed this step, go to File and select Print.
5. Check the box for Actual Size.
6. Select your printer from the list of printers below and click submit when finished with all printing settings.
7- Print branded tissue paper!
Cut and fold your sheets into squares
Cut the tissue paper into squares (seven inches by seven inches). Fold each square in half diagonally, then fold in half again so that it forms a triangle. Place one hand on the top of the triangle and make a small pleat. Bring your hand down to the bottom of the triangle and hold it there while you pleat at an angle towards you. Next, take your other hand and repeat what you just did on the opposite side of the triangle. Continue this process until you have made a small pile like this:
Repeat this process until all sheets are folded into triangles (or whatever size).

Wrap them around an item to be wrapped
Looking for a fun and easy way to wrap up your gifts? Try making your own custom printed tissue paper! Here are some instructions on how you can do it.
1. Cut the tissue paper into squares that are roughly the size of what you want them to wrap around.
2. Fold in half, then fold in half again, so that you have four folds of paper on each side of the square.
3. Fold up one corner and crease it with a ruler or another hard flat surface (like a can). This will create an X on one side of the square. Do this on all four sides.
4. Now use the ruler to score along the edge of where you just made an X shape and make two cuts across. Open out the tissue paper so that you now have eight pieces that look like rectangles instead of squares.
5. Take two pieces of fabric ribbon - they should be wide enough to go all the way around whatever it is you're wrapping - and put them together, right-sides-out, wrong-sides-in so they are facing opposite ways from each other but their ends overlap slightly at one end by about 6 inches (15 cm). Put a little bit of glue on both lengths of ribbon at this overlapping point and stick together securely until dry.
You can also have custom printed tissue paper made for you. You can be very creative with this and have it used for weddings, baby showers, or other occasions. There are different colors and designs that you can choose from in order to make the event more memorable. This is a great alternative to standard thank-you cards and is an excellent way of showing your guests how much they mean to you. It is important to take the time and put some thought into what design you want because if it doesn’t convey what you want then there’s no point in having it done. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us!