
How to Buy the Best Car Insurance Policy?
Just likebuying a car, buying a car insurance policy is equally important. Having purchased a new car, it isprudent to look for a vehicle insurance policy that safeguards your interestsin case of an accident or mishap. Here are a few pointers that can help you tomake the right choice.
Selectionof the Right Cover
There aretwo types of car insurance policies. One is comprehensive and the other isthird party. In the comprehensive cover, the buyer gets all third-partybenefits and ensures own vehicle protection. In third party policy,compensation is paid to the buyer in case of third-party damages. Depending onprecise requirements, invest in the right car insurancepolicy.
CompareVarious Policies
Whetherbuying car insurance policies or motorbikeinsurance, always check out several products,compare them before making the final choice. This will help you make awell-informed decision.
Dealsand Discounts
Manyinsurance service providers provide occasional discounts and offers. Look forsuch offers and try to find the best one as it will help you reduce the cost ofinsurance.
Checkyour IDV
Do yourmath and check calculations involved in motor insurance policy. IDV is one suchcalculation. Ensure proper calculation of IDV as it will help you find the bestcoverage as per your requirements.
Look forthe Right Deductible Option
Anyinsurance plan must have a perfect balance between the deductible and premium.Thus, it is prudent to choose wisely and get the best from the insurance planyou are planning to buy.
Choosethe Best Riders
Look forthe best add-ons and riders that help you in plan customization. Compare theseadd-on covers and choose a plan that comes with the best riders.
If you arestill confused about which insurance policy to choose, do not hesitate to speakto a SafetreePOS agent.