
Facts You Should Know About Motorbike Insurance
Are youplanning to invest in a motorbike insurance plan? If yes, as a customer you must know some factsabout this policy which shall help you make the right choice.
Look forWider Coverage
Look for athird-party cover which is mandatory as per the Indian Motor Tariff concerningtwo-wheelers. It is always recommended to choose a standalone own-damage coverbesides buying a third-party policy. The customers can also look for acomprehensive cover that takes care of both. Going for an extensive coveragewill help you save a lot of money and stress that occurs when you find yourselfin a mishap.
Checkthe Add-Ons With The Policy
The otherfact that you must know is the add-ons that are provided by many insurancecompanies. Theseadd-ons are very important and worth the premium. The examples of such add-onsin case of two-wheeler insurance are damages in case of mishaps, additionalprotection, roadside assistance, zero depreciation cover, tyre cover, enginecover, etc. This is usually not compensated under a regular policy.
Selectthe Add-Ons With Great Care
With a lotof add-on options available, the customers need to be very selective and choosethem as per their precise requirements.It is not at all necessary to buy all.Select addons that fit your budget.
Whetherbuying a two-wheeler insurance or a carinsurance policy,it is alwaysrecommended to compare various policies available in the market. Every policyhas some distinctive feature which makes it stand apart from other products.Compare them against various parameters and make a suitable choice.
No ClaimBonus
Manyinsurance companies also provide a No Claim Bonus or NCB when during a policyperiod, no single claim is made. It is a kind of cumulative bonus that can beas high as 50 percent of the own-damage premium that is based on the claim-freeyears.
Speak with theSafetreePOS Agent who can help you make the bestchoice.