
Does Wealth Report in Mutual Fund Software Present Reliable Information?
Advisors manages investment of multiple clients at a time and analyzing status of every investors portfolio at regular interval is essential in order to ensure expected performance of the funds. In absence of proper and potential platform the advisors find it difficult to track the status of all the funds at a glance. To solve the issue facility of wealth report has been introduced by Wealth Elite in Mutual Fund Software that eases the analysis of the portfolio through the report.
Benefits of Wealth Report
- Ascertain actual investment status within few seconds.
- Differentiate between insurance & investment portfolio.
- Analyze portfolio asset allocation.
- Identify profit and loss on the invested funds.
- Entire funds valuation at one place.
Issues without Wealth Report
- No exact information about present value of funds.
- Tracking portfolio becomes challenge for advisors.
- Services to all clients can’t be delivered at a time.
- Manual formation of reports consumes a lot time.
The advisors need to have the updated features which help them in delivering rapid services with accuracy that too at a low cost. Wealth report feature gives freedom to advisors to form reports instantly from anywhere at no extra efforts. Advisor who depends upon previous methods finds it typical to manage their business operations.
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