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Organic Clothing | Organic Digital Fabric Print | Organic Fabrics
100% Organic Clothing and Organic Approved Digital Printing.Vertical Integrated Digital printing factory with GOTS approved.
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Pictures Portraying about the Safe Working Environment, Social duty andour Wonderful Workers, who's handy hands have done the best of best to completeto give the appeal and excellence of the textures and garments you request fromus. digital fabric printing job work
Each Slides Shows the Peoples who are persevering ordinarilyto make this superb garments and textures
The Latest and the most encouraging headway on the Digitalprinting is the PIGMENT Inks, Universally shade have no danger to the earth.The Pigment inks in the ongoing years had accomplished a biggest stature as faras hues, extravagance, delicate hand feel, and fantastic runnability in theDigital printing machines. All Dyes and assistant are Organic Certified
Shade = FAST, Yes moment inspecting and creation isprofoundly conceivable with the Digital Pigment printing. As quick as yourmoment mug of espresso, Once you have a decent craftsmanship, in a matter ofseconds, your examples are prepared.
We have 3 High speed Pigment advanced printing machines witha creation limit of around 3000 Kilograms in a solitary day. Which is on a parwith the speed of the ordinary revolving printing. The quickest color Digitalprinting machine in India.
The Pigment printing with Digital requirements theaccompanying strategies.
1. Pre-treatment
2. Printing and Continuous Curing ( One Process )
Simply print and fix, your texture is prepared for cuttingas splendid as your receptive hues, with great hand-feel.
The Digital Printing transformation began in about year2005, The unrest began with an insane structure opportunity to the creator.Before long as the years advanced, it had becomes something more like a screenprinting, Nothing new should be possible here, simply print with numerous hues.The market began to hinder a piece in late 2013 to 2015. All Dyes and helperare Organic Certified
The New key development came in the year 2015, The NewHYBRID DIGITAL PRINTING came in the spotlight.
This specific development has changed the manner in which welook as the printing business. Breaking all the outskirts here effortlessly.
The best of the advanced printing joined with the best ofScreen printing, WOW is the word it emerges from each one mouth. Truly. The WOWfactor is here. You join the screen print methods, for example,
Natural Clothing has been the main Mantra for us Since 2007.We have been utilizing just Organic cotton from 2007 to work date. Our Factoryis sullying free zone, All our sewing lines are Organic, non-natural has neverbeen stirred up here. fabric digital printing
Practically 100% of our Clients utilize just Organictextures to be printed or created as pieces of clothing with us. We haveutilized exacting norms to keep up the uprightness of the Organic items withparticular foundation.
The principle explanation behind the immense interest in theDigital printing is to keep up the trustworthiness. Every one of our items areimprinted in-house with the best exactness and Organic standard affirmed inks.
Think Organic - Think Macrofast. You ideal accomplice inOrganic garments and printing.
Every one of our laborers are all around prepared and hasbeen held for just about 10 years now.
Macrofast / Sree Kanaga Durgaa Textile
Head office:-
22/41, Muthusamy 4th street,
odakaddu, Tirupur -641602
Tamilnadu, India
Sf No 408, Bajaj Building, 1st floor,
Near Gokul dyeing, Vettuvapalayam bus stop,
Somanur road, Mangalam Post,
Office :- 91-421-4240715
Mobile :- 91-09786044099 / 09626244222
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