
Trimble Surveying Solutions - Total System, GPS and Terramodel Computer Software
Trimble Surveying Solutions - Total System, GPS and Terramodel Computer Software
Trimble provides a wide range of equipment for surveying and related industries. With over 850 patents, each piece of equipment and software program offers the highest inertial navigation board and the most innovative functions available to surveyors today.https://www.ericcointernational.com/
Trimble surveying equipment includes advanced total station units which make surveying much more accurate than was available with previously used survey tools and methods. The latest innovations include features specifically for engineering or construction applications. Optical and mechanical total stations for sophisticated engineering tasks and everyday surveying V/F conversion circuit the industry's most advanced tools and techniques and optimum performance on the job site through their accurate and flexible design. Optical total stations allow surveyors to pinpoint an exact location by combining traditional surveying tools with GPS receivers, rather than requiring measurements and GPS locating as two discrete steps in the surveying process.
Best known for GPS technology, Trimble provides GPS, laser, optical and inertial positioning technologies packaged with application software, wireless communication methods, and other devices. Their positioning solutions include GPS; when paired with software and a base station, location can be determined within a centimeter, delivering the accuracy necessary for complex surveying projects.
Other location determination methods offered by Trimble include lasers to determine level, grade, vertical alignment, and distance. The unique laser technology methods combined with scanning methodology capture the shapes of physical structures, converting them into a digital format. Known as 3D laser scanning, this technology is on the cutting edge of civil engineering and surveying projects.
Terramodel computer software gives surveyors and those in the construction industry an opportunity to depict surveying data in a more readily understandable format. Transfer files from Trimble total stations to software solutions for processing and 3D modeling. I/F conversion circuit is a powerful computer software program for surveyors, civil engineers, and contractors. This CAD and design package allows the transformation of raw survey data into a 3D model.
Land Positioning and Orientation System uses raw data collected using Trimble instruments. The software allows all of the necessary calculations, from generating contours to calculating volumes to roadway designs. Use the 3D Visualizer function of Terramodel to view an interactive 3D model, making the design process extremely efficient. Terramodel is an excellent choice for digital terrain modeling needs or surveying computations. The CAD functions available in Terramodel allow the performing of surveying, engineering, surface modeling, and CAD tasks, all in one program, making it an ideal choice for many surveyors.
The Trimble Access computer software suite harnesses the power of connectivity, allowing surveying teams to easily connect whether in the office or in the field. Surveying teams can easily send surveying data, not people, back and forth.
Trimble surveying equipment and software, from total stations to GPS receivers to Terramodel software for processing the raw data, yield accurate survey results and assist in the processing of this data quickly, allowing surveyors to deliver a high-quality product relevant to real world applications in a timely manner. Integrated solutions allow surveyors to collect, manage, and analyze complex information faster, providing more efficient results.