
How to buy natural gray hair of wigs
As we age it's only natural to become gray, along with thinning hair on the crown and hairline. Gray hair toupees are fashionable and can accentuate your look. With a gray hair men’s toupee, you can obtain any hairstyle you want.
An attractive middle-aged man, who has mostly gray hair, is often called a silver fox. When we get older, our hair is not so lush anymore, however with a gray men’s hair system, you can be a silver fox again.
To accommodate our customer’s growing desires to embrace gray hair, we at LaVivid offer a selection of quality gray hair systems in different base styles including that of lace, skin, monofilament as well as combined base constructions. Our gray hair systems are usually mixed with other hair colors such as 1B Off black, 2 Darkest brown and among other hair colors. At the same time, we have different percentage gray hair options including 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and even 80% for your choice. You may notice a hair color named 220 and it refers to Darkest brown with 20% gray hair. We have many gray hair combinations to suit everyone’s specific needs.
John in the above picture is wearing a LaVivid hair system in shade 740. This shade is our Lightest brown shade with 40% gray hair. It looks empecably natural and blends easily with his own hair. See? With a hair system, you can get back to your silver fox desires.
For gray hair percentages, we have 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 65%, 80% and 100% available for our stock hair systems. Also we can customize any percentage you need.
Rich in below picture wears 440 color which is medium brown with 40% gray hair. When he put it on, it looked very natural and blended in with his original hair. If I don't tell you, can you tell that he is wearing a men's hair system? Wearing a hair system is an exciting experience, full of hair on your head makes you look much younger.