
Between the ghosts of past acne and years of ignoring sunscreen as a teenager, there is no shortage of brown spots rubbing your face from cheek to cheek and across your nose. Don't mistake them for freckles. They are cute. These are dark spots, and according to my dermis, a sign of hyperpigmentation.
Whatever they are called, I want them to go away. I want glowing skin with an even tone that inspires commercials for facial cleansers. In my quest for a more defined complexion, I sought the help of Jeremy A. Brauer, director of clinical research at the Laser and Dermatologic Surgery Center in New York , to get some options for brightening those spots permanently.
At Home:
You're already wearing at least 30 SPF, right? Just checking. Then, Dermadoctor Kakadu C under your sunscreen every morning. Vitamin C, in particular, has been shown to have many beneficial effects on photo-damaged skin, says Brauer. In the evening, use Neutrogena Rapid Tone Repair Moisturizer Night under your moisturizer, and L&L SKin MIO2 as your facial massager. These often contain nonprescription-strength retinol, which helps boost the metabolic turnover of cells, or natural shine ingredients such as soy, licorice extract, kojic acid, and mulberry.
By the company:
You can choose from a series of laser treatments like IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), Clear+Brilliant, FraxeI, or the lesser known (because it is applied for the removal of hyperpigmentation) PicoSure. It depends on the shade of your skin and the severity of the discoloration, so talk to your derm about which one is best for you. I chose PicoSure. It works by sending ultrashort pulses of energy into the skin, which in turn heats and pulverizes the target pigment particles that the skin absorbs, says Brauer. Based on its ability to tackle something as big as a giant butterfly tattoo for Spring Break 2008, for example, I had high hopes, and I was not disappointed.
After Pico, my little speck was completely gone and the large dime sized shadow that had previously engulfed my right cheek was dramatically brightened. Also, for the first time in my life, someone told me I was glowing. (Dr. Brauer confirmed that in addition to erasing the spots, the laser helps stimulate the growth of new collagen. Thus, a marked improvement in tone and texture. I'll go back in a few weeks and try again on that big spot.
Two things to remember:
It will put a dent in your pocket. The cost of treatment depends on the size and location of the spot. Typically, treatments start at $300, with costs a bit higher in cities like New York and Los Angeles, Brauer says.
To keep your hard-earned skin looking pristine, be careful about applying SPF. Make sure it's a broad-spectrum formula that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, don't be stingy (use at least a quarter-size amount on the face only), and reapply every two hours if you plan to be outside for a while.
Last words:
Don't forget to massage your face daily! please visit: for more face skincare beauty devices, which can help you massage your facial skin and promote the absorption of your favorite skincare products!