
Electric Tiger Tattoo is a custom tattoo shop located in University Heights, San Diego. We provide the highest quality work in a friendly and professional setting. We are a small, tight-knit group of tattooers, each skilled with our own style and talents, highly focused on tattoos we believe in. Book a consultation online!
Electric Tiger Tattoo
Electric Tiger Tattoo is a custom tattoo shop located in University Heights, San Diego. We provide the highest quality work in a friendly and professional setting. We are a small, tight-knit group of tattooers, each skilled with our own style and talents, highly focused on tattoos we believe in. Book a consultation online!
Visit - electrictigertattoo.com/
Phone - (619) 241-2920
Address - 4107 Park Blvd , San diego , California
Contact Mail - info@electrictigertattoo.com