
Welcome to Quality Commercial Roofing |qualitycommercialroofing
Roof leaks, unsightly appearance, storm damage or high cooling costs? Quality Commercial Roofing can solve many of these issues for you. Let us extend the life and energy efficiency of your roof. Call today for a free onsite inspection and free estimate. commercial roofing Houston
Quality Commercial Roofing is Houston’s best company to call for all your commercial building roofing repairs. We are certified specialists for FLAT and METAL roofing. We use Mule-Hide Roofing coatings. Our certified specialists will come out and inspect your roof and give you a free estimate. All of our workmanship is guaranteed for all types of repairs. We offer 24 hour emergency service and cover the greater Houston area. commercial flat roofs
Elastomeric Roof Coating
Typical roof coating dry film thickness vary from paint film thickness (plus or minus 3 dry mils) to more than 40 dry mils. This means the Elastomeric roof coating actually becomes the top layer of a composite roof membrane and underlying system. As such, the roof coating is the topmost layer of protection for the membrane, receiving the impact of sunlight (both infrared and ultraviolet (UV), rain, hail and physical damage. commercial metal roofs
We Specialize in Commercial Building Flat & Metal Roofs
- Gravel Roofs
- Rubber Roofs
- Hot Tar Roofs
- TPO Roofs
Metal Roofs
Metal roofs offer a wide range of benefits, and are an excellent option for a new roof. They are especially suited for Houston’s long, hot summers. Metal roofs provide energy saving benefits unlike any other roof, and can help to lower energy costs. Houston commercial roofing
For more information regarding commercial roofing , visit our website: http://qualitycommercialroofing.com/