The best content of Cats and other wild cats |hermanogato
The best content of Cats and other wild cats |hermanogato
The best content of Cats and other wild cats |hermanogato
Hermano Gato is your feline page, where you will find all the information on wild cats and felines. We will discover all the breeds of cats, everything you need for the care and enjoyment of your kitten. The best names for cats and much more!
The greatest creation of cat breeds occurred in the last century. During the 1950s, more than 20 new breeds originated in the United States.
There will be many more cat breeds, due to the continuous mixing, which will increase the number of cat species in the coming years. Having a cat as a pet has many benefits. razas de gatos
Do you know how many breeds of cats there are? Do you want to know more about cats
Wild Cats and Felines News
Cats are one of the main pets in the world, perhaps second only to dogs. These felines love to spend time with humans, but without becoming subordinate, and never losing their independent spirit, and to a certain degree wild. felinos salvajes

These little and beloved animals have an incredible history full of curiosities, which you will surely like to know. So, read on to find out.
Are you more of a dog or cat?
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Cat types
There are many breeds of cats that exist today, each and every one of them with surprising peculiarities. We can find long-haired felines like the Persian that impart an exotic beauty, or those of great size like the majestic Maine coon.
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