The first factor considered as always when purchasing a luxury bag is the worth. Is it worth your money? Of course, stuffing it with a Hermes bag pillow & bag organizer from Hanika Store will surely help you preserve it knowing that you spend a lot of cash for it. Today, we’ll be sharing with you some details about Hermes Birkin Bag.
Hermès consider every Birkin bag a small amount of art and are essentially dazzling regarding the quality of materials used and also the artisan who is accountable for creating the bag. Hermès also considers only legitimate craftsmen with solid experience working with high-leveled leathers for the heavy task of making an Hermes Birkin bag. Also creating this Birkin bag needs to go in five phases, each should be considered to achieve the accuracy for quality assurance. Here are the following:
1. Preparation and Cutting of the Leather. This procedure involves the quality inspection of the skin or material for any defective parts. Once the quality assurance is observed, the responsible artisan will remove all those stuff that may affect the appearance of the material and will start cutting the skin depending on the size requirements of the bag.
2. Shape and Stitching. The section of materials is then placed in a wooden clamp and carefully stitched together to form the shape and appearance of the Birkin bag. Each stitch is threaded with proper care to ensure quality both for beauty and firmness.
3. Creating a Uniform Look. Once the artisan completed the stitching, He’s then concealed the steam with the use of a hammer. Shaving, sanding, and waxing are the foremost time-consuming processes of all time.
4. Creating the Handle. With the use of the same material for the main surface of the bag, the crafter then layers up five-sections to form the haft. When done, The artisan will continue stitching the handle into the main body of the bag.
5. Finishing Touches. The last process of making the bag is the hardware. It is then attached using a way namely ‘’Pearling’’. The lock, studs clasps, and other things needed to complete the bag as a whole are attached accordingly.
6. Quality Assurance Inspection. Before the bag goes to the rightful owner, Hermes staff needs to examine first the quality of the bag. Once the bag passes the careful observation it is then sent to their logistics center for final inspection before selling it to their boutiques.
Now that you just simply know those fundamentals, you will somehow think that having a Hermes Birkin bag is additionally having an investment. Personally, I can say that a Hermes bag is worth your money. Also by having this needs extensive care. Hermes bag pillow of Hanika Store Singapore also the opposite bag stuffing will surely prolong the lifetime of your lovely bags. Hermes bag pillow & bag organizer also protracts the lifespan of your Birkin bag which could surely satisfy you to the value of the bag and therefore the pillow.