Growing up in New Jersey, his primary focus was always geared toward sports and |brandonmasonshow
Growing up in New Jersey, his primary focus was always geared toward sports and |brandonmasonshow
Growing up in New Jersey, his primary focus was always geared toward sports and |brandonmasonshow
Brandon Mason Show recreational activities during his adolescence and high school years. After a knee injury in college (University of Pittsburgh and Stony Brook University) and a short stint of workout with the NFL (New York Giants and Miami Dolphins) he began to change his mind on what his future would entail. Brandon Mason NFL
Gravitating toward the world of business and technology, he realized the enjoyment of Social Media Marketing and Branding for not only himself but for others. After dabbling in Modeling, Media and Television he used the talents to launch an international cargo company "My Shipping Containers, Inc Brandon Mason Football
The newest update and career launch
The year of 2021-2022 will be a tremendous opportunity for him to connect the talents with agencies and move forward with all formalities of becoming a well known Sports Agent focusing on contracts and endorsements for all players.  He plans to use all of his contacts, social media platforms and business relationships to expand his journey. Brandon Mason Sports

  • Brandon Mason NFL
  • Brandon Mason Football
  • Brandon Mason Sports
  • Brandon Mason TV Host
This is me
 Mr. Mason used his contacts and business relationships to get back in line with his lifestyle upbringing in sports. Connecting his sports background and business mindset, Mr. Mason developed a clear vision of his future as a Sports Agent Brandon Mason TV Host
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