
Furniture storage and custody | traslochipandolfo
In Savona Traslochi Pandolfo deals with small and large house removals. With its highly qualified staff, it specializes in the disassembly and reassembly of furniture with adaptations to new interiors. The Pandolfo company offers the disassembly, reassembly and readjustment of furniture as a service , having at its disposal a carpentry workshop. traslochi savona
In Savona Traslochi Pandolfo deals with small and large company and office removals. Vast supply of professional packaging and containers. Careful packaging even for fragile items. traslochi
Furniture readjustment
The Pandolfo company offers the disassembly, reassembly and readjustment of furniture as a service , having at its disposal a carpentry workshop. Traslochi Pandolfo also carries out evictions of furniture and messenger items in a special landfill. traslochi in savona
- Transport Pianos
- International removals
- Rental
- Furniture refurbishment in Savona
Furniture refurbishment in Savona
The Pandolfo Company offers the disassembly, assembly and readjustment of furniture as a service, having at its disposal a carpentry workshop where skilled craftsmen work who are able to readjust the furniture from the old to the new apartment, making changes with care and precision.
For more information regarding traslochi a savona ,visit our website: https://www.traslochipandolfo.it/