
Are you over age 40? Are you struggling to read small letters or see objects up close? If yes, you probably need multifocal lenses. However, that does not mean you have to wear ugly bifocals or trifocals. You can opt for line-free progressive lenses, which are quite a better option for you.
This blog will shed light on progressive lenses, tips for adjusting to progressive lenses, their pros and cons, and when progressive lenses are the perfect choice for you.
What are Progressive Lenses?
Progressive lenses look precisely the same as single vision lenses, but they are no-line multifocal eyeglass lenses. In simple words, progressive lenses are lenses that will help you see clearly at all distances.
As people get old, the need for progressive lenses increases. By the age of 35 or 40, usually many people have difficulty focusing their eyes on nearby objects. To resolve this problem, some people wear single-vision eyeglasses for reading and seeing too close objects.
In short, progressive lenses provide a simpler and more convenient solution to some age-related vision problems.
The upper section of a progressive lens offers the strength that people need to see crystal clear in the distance.
The lower section will help them to see things clearly when they are too close.
And, the middle section helps you see clearly at intermediate or middle distances.
Pros of Progressive Lenses
Progressive lenses not only correct nearsightedness and farsightedness, but they can correct astigmatism – blurry vision.
When you opt for progressive lenses, you will need only one pair of eyeglasses to see near and far. In short, a progressive lens does the job of a single-vision lens and reading glasses. So you have to manage only one pair of glasses.
When you wear progressive lens glasses, you do not have to face distracting bifocal lines.
Wearing progressive lenses provides you with a modern and youthful appearance.
Cons of Progressive Lenses
Usually, if you want to wear progressive lenses, you have to keep in mind that it will take time to adjust.
You might have to face temporary vision distortions.
Progressive lenses are more expensive as compared to single-vision lenses and bifocal lenses.
Are Progressive Lenses Right For You?
Progressive lenses let you see near and far distances clearly, but these lenses are not the right choice for everyone. Some people never adjust to wearing progressive lenses. If it happens with you, you might experience constant dizziness, problems with depth perception, and peripheral distortion.
The only way to get used to progressive lenses is to try them and see how your eyes adjust. If you cannot adapt after two weeks, then your optometrist may need to adjust the strength in your lens.
Therefore, if problems persist, a bifocal lens might be a better fit for you.
Tips for Adjusting to Progressive Lenses
You should select a quality optical shop that can guide you throughout the process. They will help you buy spectacles with a good frame and ensure the contact lenses are perfectly centered over your eyes.
Ensure you understand your eye doctor’s instructions on how to use them.
Give yourself at least one month time to adjust to them when you buy progressive lenses online India.
Are You Ready to Get Your Glasses?
In summary, progressive lenses are an excellent option for nearsightedness and farsightedness. However, there is a slight learning curve, and you have to give yourself some time to adjust.
If you are ready to see better, then go for an eye examination to update your prescription. Your doctor will help you to understand whether the progressive lenses are right for you or not. If you search for the best online marketplace to buy progressive lenses online India or buy spectacles online, then visit – Yourspex - today!