
What makes stage lighting very different so that it requires special light sources and lighting technology? LED stage Lighting is not just a matter of interior lighting or exterior. Light sources are needed everywhere: at home, offices, public institutions such as schools, hospitals and banks, in bars and restaurants, in disco and theater and outdoors as well. But the lighting site takes the most spectacular form is the showbiz industry. Here, the lamp used by the designer is to increase the atmosphere and create a special mood for the audience. Light effects such as strobe lamps and unintentional color changes. These people know their business.
The entertainment industry requires special light sources for stages, television, and other special events: need high -powered figures, controlled light equipment, and special light control technology. For television and movies, this light also requires special features: cameras require flicker free illumination. Luminary standard for stage lighting consists of high electric lights installed in a strong socket and reflector. The designer creates this light source, especially to be installed in places such as overhead or vertical pipes, walls, celestials or floors. There are three basic types of light sources for staging: spotlights, spotlights and projectors. These three families are assisted by LED technology that introduces standard LED lamp sources and LED video panels for exclusive light effects as well.
The typical light source for staging requires watts from 50 to more than 10,000 watts. To make a strong lamp that can be fully meshed and controlled, special technology is used. While SSL (Solid State Lighting) technology may provide an effective solution, incandescent technology that is still used is rather inefficient because such lights use the most energy to produce heat.
Television and cinematography use hide and neon lamps, because they are more efficient than tungsten lamps. But industry requires more flexible lamps that are not only energy-efficient but can also be controlled. The solution seems to come from an industry-led by SSL. In March 2006 Nichia broke the 100-lm/m resistance for white LEDs. With this discovery, the LED industry can now easily compete with its traditional colleagues. In 2005 for LEDs to compete directly with neon lights of at least 70 lm/w was required. Currently, Nichia and other important producers hope to go further and increase LEDs to reach 150 lm/W per device. And this will happen faster than we expect. Besides, the LED industry never stops stunning us.
Stage lighting, although the application area where the high power lamp source is needed, still utilizes the flexibility and control of LED technology. Companies such as Barco and Martin Light have developed lighting equipment that exceeds our expectations. This equipment can be controlled through a lightweight DMX512 mixing console, or by responding to special computer software. But we don't often see LEDs on the projector. We see a large video LED wall instead, mood panel, or accent lights. However, this is enough to prove that LEDs enter the stage lighting application area.
In conclusion, stage lighting is a very important aspect of the entertainment industry, and it requires special light sources and lighting technology to create the desired effects. LED stage lighting is becoming increasingly popular due to its energy efficiency and ability to create unique light effects. As the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more amazing applications of LED stage lighting in the future.