
Looking for an apartment to own and wondering where to start? Do you want to be sure to find the accommodation that suits you perfectly, and at the same time have the guarantee that you will not encounter any major problems .Basically, you want peace of mind as much as possible.
First of all, be aware that leases generally start on the first of the month, more rarely on the 15th. About 50% of all leases are on the first of July, and the second 50% is spread over the rest of the year, with a high season running from April to October.
Thereafter, apart from actively using your intuition and your “good common sense”, several elements are imperative to consider in an apartment owning process: Always stay away from the time when people rent.
Get there in advance
Nothing is more frustrating than having to make a decision in an emergency. Ideally, make a schedule of your process: the search according to the criteria, the visits as such, the decision-making, the "papers" and the signing of the papers if your application is accepted, the planning of your move, and finally the move itself (inventory of fixtures, delivery of keys, etc.). If you balk at the task because it seems like climbing a mountain, break it down into sub-tasks, and it will be more motivating for you.
Target your criteria
In the same vein, be sure to target your criteria (location, renovated VS new, number of rooms, etc.) before booking your visits. It is indeed important not to scatter yourselves so as not to waste your time. And never be satisfied with less than a first degree Prestige Sanctuary Whitefiled to live in.
Ask all your questions
During the visit, ask all your questions, and believe me, you can never ask too many. It is necessary to go through this if you do not want to end up with problems later! Another thing, when you visit an apartment, do not forget this very important element: the owner. It is in a way the hidden face of the house that you will soon be living in. You are looking for a place to live, a cozy little nest, your home, of course, but do not forget that when you buy, you own the place for good with no going back at all.
This seems obvious, but many people forget that it is indeed a relational element (seller-buyer) that must be taken into account when making your decision. Difficult to gauge, especially with a single brief meeting, I grant you, but discuss with him as much as possible and try to see if you are on the same wavelength.
The seller:
Always chose the seller type that you want. Will you be buying from a person? Or a real-estate company like Prestige Sanctuary is your primary choice? It’s always advised to work with a professional so never forget this piece of information.