
More significantly, we'll endeavor to comprehend why Spring is our preferred framework. In our prior courses, we have extensively discussed the details of Spring and its component pieces. We'll therefore omit the opening "how" sections and concentrate instead on the "whys."
Why Use Any Framework, Second?
Let's first establish why we need to utilize any framework at all before we start talking specifically about Spring.
A wide range of applications can be supported by a general-purpose programming language like Java. Not to add that Java is always being improved and worked on.
Moreover, Java is supported in this area by a huge number of open source and paid libraries.
So why do we still require a framework?
In all honesty, using a framework isn't always required to complete a task. But using one is frequently advised for a number of reasons:
- helps us concentrate on the main goal rather than the accompanying boilerplate
- combines decades of knowledge into design patterns.
- enables us to follow industry and governing standards
- lowers the application's overall cost of ownership
Even though we haven't even begun to scratch the surface, we must admit that the advantages are hard to overlook. However, it can't be all good, so what's the problem:
- makes us have to write an application in a certain way
- ties together with a certain language and library version
Quick Ecosystem Overview for Spring
Around 2003, when Java Enterprise Edition was rapidly evolving and creating an enterprise application was both exciting and time-consuming, Spring was created.
As an Inversion of Control (IoC) container for Java, Spring got its beginnings. We still primarily associate Spring with it, and it actually serves as the foundation for both the framework and additional projects built on top of it.
Spring Framework
The spring framework is broken up into modules, which makes it relatively simple to use individual components in any application:
The Inversion of Control (IoC) container from the Spring Framework is the most important of these. The Spring Framework's IoC container is covered in detail, and then the Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) tools are covered in detail. The 80 percent sweet spot of AOP needs in Java enterprise programming is well addressed by the Spring Framework's own AOP framework, which is theoretically simple to understand.
1. The IoC Container:
Only function Object() { [native code] } arguments, arguments to a factory method, or attributes set on the object instance after it is created or returned from a factory method are used by objects to describe their dependencies (i.e., the other objects they work with). When the container produces the bean, it then injects those dependencies.
1. Simpler incorporation of Spring's AOP functions
2. Handling message resources (for use in internationalization)
3. Event coverage
4. Contexts that are particular to the application layer, such as the Web Application Context used in web applications.
2. Resources:
- The standard. Unfortunately, not all access to low-level resources can be fully supported by URL class and standard handlers for different URL prefixes. For instance, there isn't a defined URL implementation that can be used to reach a resource that must be located relative to a ServletContext or on the classpath.
- The URL interface still lacks some desirable functionality, such as a way to check for the existence of the resource being pointed to, despite the fact that it is possible to register new handlers for specialized URL prefixes (similar to existing handlers for prefixes like http:). This is generally quite complicated
Data Access:
The extensive overview of the various data access frameworks and technologies that the Spring Framework connects with is followed by a discussion of Spring's complete transaction management capabilities.
1. Transaction Management:
One of the strongest arguments for using the Spring Framework is its extensive transaction support. The following advantages of the Spring Framework's consistent abstraction for transaction management are provided:
2. Support for DAO
The goal of Spring's Data Access Object (DAO) support is to make it simple to work consistently with data access technologies like JDBC, Hibernate, or JPA. This allows you to code without having to worry about catching exceptions that are exclusive to each of the aforementioned persistence systems, and it also makes switching between them pretty easy.
3. Data Access Using Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
In addition to native support for Hibernate for resource management, data access object (DAO) implementations, and transaction strategies, the Spring Framework now enables interaction with the Java Persistence API (JPA). For instance, there is first-rate support for Hibernate with a number of useful IoC capabilities that address many common Hibernate integration concerns.
Servlet-stack web applications are built on the Servlet API and deployed to Servlet containers. Spring MVC, View Technologies, CORS Support, and WebSocket Support are all covered in separate chapters. Web on Reactive Stack is a resource for web applications using the reactive stack.
1. Spring Web MVC
From the beginning, the Spring Framework has contained Spring Web MVC, the original web framework built on the Servlet API. Although it is more often referred to as "Spring MVC," the formal term "Spring Web MVC" is derived from the name of its source module (spring-web MVC).
2. Testing Servlet API Mocks:
Controllers, filters, and other web components can be unit tested by using mock implementations of Servlet API contracts. For more information, go to Servlet API mock objects.
Support for loading Spring configuration in JUnit and TestNG tests is provided by the TestContext Framework, which also supports loading a WebApplicationContext with a MockServletContext and caching the loaded configuration effectively across test methods.
supports Java Message Service (JMS), Java Management Extension (JMX), and Remote Method Invocation (RMI) integration to Enterprise Java (Remote Method Invocation)
1. Web Services and Remote Access Using Spring
Integration classes for remoting support with different technologies are provided by Spring. The remoting feature makes it easier to create services that can be used remotely and are implemented by your typical POJOs.
2. Integration of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
Spring is frequently used as an alternative to EJB because it is a compact container. We do believe that Spring, as a container, in combination with its rich supporting capabilities in the areas of transactions, ORM, and JDBC access, is a superior solution than delivering identical functionality through an EJB container and EJBs for many, if not most, applications and use cases.
Enterprise Software development must include testing. This chapter focuses on the advantages of the Spring Framework's support for integration testing as well as the value that the IoC principle adds to unit testing.
1. Unit Testing
Compared to how it would be with conventional Java EE development, your code should be less dependent on the container thanks to dependency injection. Your application's POJOs should be able to be tested in JUnit or TestNG tests without the use of Spring or another container, with objects created using the new operator.
2. Integration Testing
It's critical to have the ability to conduct certain integration testing without connecting to other enterprise infrastructure or deploying to your application server. By doing this, you can test things like:
1. Your Spring IoC container contexts must be correctly wired, for starters.
2. Using JDBC or an ORM tool to access data. The accuracy of SQL statements, Hibernate queries, JPA entity mappings, and other elements might be included in this.