
The concept of a traditional classroom has radically changed to online coaching. The world has especially changed over the last few years. Global lockdowns proved that distance, time zones and even a pandemic cannot hamper the pace at which we are advancing and learning. So, why restrict your teaching skills to a traditional classroom? GetLiveCoach gives you the perfect opportunity to become an online coach.
Yes, we agree that the scepticism to leave physical classrooms can be overwhelming, but the opportunities with online learning are incomparable. Let us explore how online teaching can change the way you see the virtual world:
1. Be your own boss:
Yes, you read that right! Teaching online allows you to be your own boss. You can schedule your class as per your availability as well as from a place that you find the most comfortable- your home! You can take the class from your bedroom or even from your sofa if that suits you. Just find a place where you have good internet connectivity and voila, you are sorted.
2. Flexibility:
Being an online tutor, allows you to schedule as well as alter your schedule depending on your availability. The stress of following a rigid schedule is archaic for online coaches and tutors. This virtual teaching experience gives you the power to teach when you are the most efficient.
3. Economical:
Being a conventional teacher can be an expensive affair. The larger part of the costs will include course material cost, cost of a classroom or a studio, setting up the classroom, maintenance, etc. However, for an online coach, the expenses are much lesser. All you need is a good internet connection and a device, it could be a basic laptop, an iPad or even a basic smartphone.
4. Global reach:
The biggest advantage for an online tutor is the number of global students they can reach. You can virtually connect with students around the globe, irrespective of the geographical distances as well as the different time zones. These students even help you connect to a large audience merely by word of mouth.
5. Highly engaging:
Online teaching is far more engaging than traditional classrooms. These online sessions allows coaches to explore different teaching techniques, tailor-make curriculum as per the requirement of the students and get even get innovative. Moreover, the biggest advantage of online coaching is that it allows coaches to build their brand.
6. Highly motivated students:
Online tutoring is the easiest way to pique a student’s interest. As the coaches have the freedom to explore different styles of teaching, the classes are engaging and the students, are highly motivated. In fact, research shows that students are more invested in online coaching than in traditional classrooms because of an opportunity to connect with the coach on a 1:1 basis. This leads to filling up communication gaps making the class more engaging and interactive
To conclude, online coaching enables accomplishing even long-term goals. The students are motivated not just by the innovative techniques used, but also due to the sheer fact that online class allows self-expression without the fear of being judged as may be the case in a traditional classroom. So, why wait longer? Hop on the online coaching scene today and the world is literally your oyster!